Taxonomic ranks under review (cf. Encyclopedic Reference of Parasitology,
2001, Springer-Verlag)
Metazoa (Animalia) (multicellular eukaryotes, animals)
Platythelminthes (flatworms)
Cercomeridea (with oral sucker and bifurcate intestine)
Trematoda (trematodes, with posterior sucker)
Digenea (digenetic life-cycle, larval miracidia, snail vectors)
Strigeatida (miracidia with 2 pairs protonephridia, fork-tailed cercariae)
Unlike all other trematodes, schistosomes are not hermaphroditic
but dioecious, forming separate sexes. Adult worms have elongate tubular
bodies, each male having a unique gynecophoral canal (schisto-soma =
split body) in which a female worm resides. They live inside visceral
blood vessels and are commonly known as blood flukes. They have digenetic
life-cycles involving aquatic snails as obligate intermediate hosts.
Eggs deposited in the circulation penetrate the gut or bladder to be
excreted with faeces or urine. In water, the eggs release miracidia
which infect snails and undergo asexual proliferation through sporocyst
stages eventually releasing cercariae back into the water. Vertebrate
hosts become infected by direct penetration of the skin. Infections
may cause chronic debilitating diseases in humans and some domestic
[these species cause schistosomiasis/bilharzia in humans and ruminants]
Blood flukes form five different developmental stages: eggs,
miracidia, sporocysts, cercariae and adult worms. Eggs are round to
oval in shape, operculate (hinged at one end) and contain a developing
embryonic larva (miracidium). Differences in egg morphology can be used
to distinguish between Schistosoma species: S. mansoni
producing oval eggs (115-175 x 45-7µm) with a sharp lateral spine,
S. japonicum forming round eggs (70-100 x 50-70µm) with
a rudimentary lateral spine; and S. haematobium producing oval
eggs (110-170 x 40-70µm) with a sharp terminal spine. Miracidia
are elliptical free-swimming larval stages (~200µm long) covered
with cilia. Sporocysts appear as pleomorphic sac-like bodies which contain
developing cercariae. Mature cercariae are elongate free-swimming larval
stages (400-600µm long) consisting of a tapering head (with prominent
penetration glands) and a forked tail (furcocercous). Adult flukes are
elongate tubular worms (10-20mm long), with rudimentary oral and ventral
suckers. Males are shorter and stouter than females, and they have a
longitudinal cleft (gynecophoral canal or schist) in which the longer
slender female lies folded.
range: Schistosomes are important human and animal parasites
throughout Africa, Asia and South America, predominantly in rural areas
supporting agriculture and inland fisheries. Parasite distribution is
linked to that of their snail intermediate hosts, which differ in their
habitat preferences for slow-flowing or still waters. Many human activities
also influence parasite distribution, especially the construction of
irrigation channels and dams, and flood irrigation of crops. It has
been estimated that over 200 million people may be infected worldwide.
Infections have been recorded throughout human history, first being
mentioned in ancient Egyptian papyri dated from 2000-1000 BC. Haematuria
(bloody urine) became the scourge of Napoleon’s army in northern
Africa at the turn of the 18th century, and the disease later became
known as bilharzia in honour of the discoverer of the causative agent.
Schistosoma spp. vary in their specificity for intermediate
hosts, some only developing in humans (and possibly primates) while
others may infect domestic and wild animals, acting as reservoirs for
human infection.
Parasite species |
host |
of infection |
excretion |
vector |
location |
S.haematobium |
primates |
of urogenital system |
urine |
Bulinus |
Africa |
mansoni |
rodents |
mesenteric veins |
faeces |
Biomphalaria |
Africa, America |
japonicum |
ruminants, carnivores |
mesenteric veins |
faeces |
Oncomelania |
SE Asia |
intercalatum |
rodents, cattle |
mesenteric veins |
faeces |
Physopsis |
Africa |
mekongi |
dog/cathumans |
mesenteric veins |
faeces |
Oncomelania |
SE Asia |
bovis |
mesenteric veins |
faeces |
Bulinus |
Africa, SE Asia, Middle East, Europe |
mattheei |
ruminants |
mesenteric veins |
faeces |
Bulinus |
Africa, Middle East |
of infection: Paired
adult worms live inside blood vessels in specific sites within the human
body. S. mansoni lives principally in the portal veins draining
the large intestine, S. japonicum in the mesenteric veins of
the small intestines, and S. haematobium infects veins of the
urinary bladder plexus. Fluke eggs penetrate into the lumen of the intestines
or bladder to be voided with host faeces or urine. Many eggs, however,
may be swept away in the host circulation and become trapped in various
host tissues and organs.
Schistosomiasis (or bilharziasis) is unusual amongst helminth diseases
for two reasons: much of the pathogenesis is due to the eggs (rather
than larvae or adults); and most of the pathology is caused by host
immune responses (delayed-type hypersensitivity and granulomatous reactions).
The course of infection is often divided into three phases: migratory,
acute and chronic. The migratory phase occurs when cercariae penetrate
and migrate through the skin. This is often asymptomatic, but in sensitized
patients, it may cause transient dermatitis (‘swimmers itch’),
and occasionally pulmonary lesions and pneumonitis. The acute phase
(sometimes called Katayama fever) is coincident with first egg release
and is characterized by allergic responses (serum sickness due to overwhelming
immune complex formation), resulting in pyrexia, fatigue, aches, lymphadenopathy,
gastrointestinal discomfort and eosinophilia. The chronic phase occurs
in response to the cumulative deposition of fluke eggs in tissues and
the host reactions that develop against them. Not all the eggs laid
by female worms successfully penetrate the gut or bladder walls, many
are swept away in the circulation and become trapped in organs where
they elicit strong granulomatous responses. Eggs become surrounded by
inflammatory cells forming characteristic pseudotubercles, which may
coalesce to form larger granulomatous reactions (polyps). The encapsulated
eggs die and eventually calcify. The resultant effects on host organs
and tissues are manifold, and include intestinal polyposis, abdominal
pain, diarrhoea, glumerulonephritis, pulmonary arteritis, cardiovascular
problems including heart failure, and periportal (Symmer’s clay
pipe-stem) fibrosis. Portal hypertension often leads to hepatomegaly,
splenomegaly, ascites, and sometimes gross enlargement of oesophageal
and gastric veins (varices) which may burst. Cerebral granulomas have
been associated with focal epileptic convulsions, while spinal cord
granulomas may cause transverse myelitis. Infections by S. haematobium
often cause haematuria (blood in urine) and progressive disruption of
the bladder wall may lead to carcinoma.
of transmission:
Schistosomes have indirect digenetic life-cycles, involving sexual reproduction
in vertebrate definitive hosts and asexual reproduction in snail intermediate
hosts. Parasites are transmitted between hosts by motile aquatic stages
which actively seek hosts. Female worms produce numerous eggs (200-3,000
per day) which seek to exit the host by penetrating the gut or bladder
wall and being passed with host faeces or urine. When deposited in water,
the embryonated eggs hatch releasing free-swimming miracidia which only
live for several hours. In that time, they actively seek suitable intermediate
hosts (amphibious snails) using chemotaxis and phototaxis (despite absence
of eyespots). All Schistosoma spp. demonstrate quite narrow
host specificity for particular snails: S. mansoni infects
Biomphalaria spp. (large flat spiral snails ~14mm in diameter with
~3 whorls and apical aperture), S. japonicum infects Oncomelania
spp. (small elongate snails ~8mm long with 4-5 whorls and dextral
(right-sided) aperture), and S. haematobium infects Bulinus
spp. (medium ovoid snails ~12mm long with 2-3 whorls and sinistral (left-sided)
aperture). The miracidia invade the soft tissues of the snail and form
a mother sporocyst near the site of penetration. Daughter sporocysts
are produced 2-6 weeks after infection and they migrate to other organs
in the snail. Schistosomes do not produce redia stages; instead the
sporocysts produce cercariae which are released into the water in their
thousands beginning 4 weeks after infection. The fork-tailed cercariae
are rapid swimmers and they periodically swim to surface of the water
and then sink to bottom for up to three days. They are attracted to
skin secretions and when they come into contact with a prospective definitive
host, they attach and actively penetrate the skin within minutes, losing
their tails in the process. Inside the host, the schistosomula (little
schistosomes) are carried in blood and/or lymph to the portal vessels
in liver, where they develop for 3 weeks. Young worms then pair and
migrate to their predilection sites in the veins of the gut or bladder.
Egg production begins from 4-8 weeks after infection, and adult worms
normally live for 2-5 years, although some may survive much longer.
diagnosis: Infections
are conventionally diagnosed by the detection of fluke eggs in faecal
or urine samples, often after concentration by sedimentation/flotation
or filtration techniques. The eggs are sufficiently characteristic to
facilitate specific diagnosis. On occasion, microscopy of rectal biopsies
has been used to diagnose S. haematobium infections. Immunoserological
tests have been developed to detect host antibodies against infection
but they have experienced cross-reactivity problems and cannot discriminate
between previous and active infection. More recently, molecular techniques
have been used to detect parasite antigens or DNA in host samples; some
tests showing good correlations with parasite burdens.
Treatment and control:
The drug of choice
for the treatment of all Schistosoma spp. is praziquantel,
a single oral dose being very effective, with low toxicity and good
tolerance, even in severe clinical cases. Nitridazole and metrifonate
are effective against S. haematobium, and oxamniquine against
S. mansoni, but they have mild side-effects. While timely treatment
is effective, cured individuals rapidly become re-infected in endemic
areas. Various control programmes have therefore been developed based
on mass chemotherapy in conjunction with preventive measures, including
improved sanitation, snail vector control, modifying habitats and farming
practices, and public education campaigns. Water contamination can be
reduced by preventing the ingress of parasite eggs as well as curtailing
the asexual amplification cycle in snail hosts. The provision and use
of latrines contains sources of infection, and modern biocomposting
toilets appear to be effective in killing parasite eggs when used properly.
Snail populations may be reduced by the strategic use of molluscicides
(niclosamide or copper sulphate), draining marshes and swamps, and clearing
channels of vegetation. Irrigation practices can be modified to avoid
long-standing still waters, and different or improved crops can be used
which are less dependent on lengthy immersion in water. In endemic areas,
farmers (and visitors) need to be aware of the dangers of immersion
in potentially contaminated waters. Considerable resources have been
devoted to the development of cellular, subcellular and recombinant
vaccines, and promising results have been obtained with animal models
of disease.