On behalf of the Organising Committee, we extend a warm invitation to attend the 2018 ASP Annual Conference, which will be held at the Novotel Hotel, St Kilda, Melbourne from Monday September 24 – Thursday September 27. We have extended the early bird registration and abstract submission deadline to 27th May 2018 so register now for great value for money. Register and submit your abstract online https://www.conftool.net/parasitology2018/ or go to the conference website //2018conference/ for more information.
We hope you will join us at the 2018 ASP Conference to discuss the latest research and state-of-the-art technologies in parasitology with our outstanding mix of quality international and Australian scientists. The conference will begin with a Welcome Reception at Encore, St Kilda Beach from 600pm Monday 24th September and the presentation of new ASP Fellows and conclude with the Conference Dinner at Luna Park St Kilda on Thursday 27th September just for some fun, following the ASP AGM. We will run a special event for early career researchers that focusses on science in the media.
All ASP students can apply for the Student Conference Travel grants through their registration. Please note to be eligible for a 2018 ASP Student Conference Travel Grant you must have a valid ASP Student membership by 24 June 2018 and meet all of the other criteria.
The Novotel St Kilda Hotel, the Conference Venue, is offering special conference rate, check the advice page for all accommodation options and other helpful advice: www.parasite.org.au/2018conference/advice/
See the conference website for all the latest conference news: www.parasite.org.au/2018conference
We look forward to seeing you in St Kilda, Melbourne in September 2018!
With best wishes from Aaron, Alyssa, Nick and Lisa
2018 ASP Annual Conference Committee