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Associate Professor Alan Lymbery
Associate Professor Alan Lymbery
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Associate Professor


Fish Health Unit, School of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences
Murdoch University

Research interests

The effects of anthropogenic impacts on ecosystem function. Specifically, I am interested in the causative pathways by which human-induced environmental changes affect the flow of energy and nutrients through ecosystems. In many cases, these pathways include parasites as integral components, through which environmental impacts are mediated.


BSc (Hons), PhD (1986)

Ten Most Significant Publications

Lymbery, A.J., Thompson, R.C.A. and Hobbs, R.P. (1990) Genetic diversity and genetic differentiation in Echinococcus granulosus (Batsch, 1786) from domestic and sylvatic hosts on the mainland of Australia. Parasitology 101: 283-289.

Thompson, R.C.A. and Lymbery, A.J. (1990) Intra-specific variation in parasites-what is a strain? Parasitology Today 6: 345-348.

Lymbery, A.J. (1992) Interbreeding, monophyly and the genetic yardstick: species concepts in parasites. Parasitology Today 8: 208-211.

Constantine, C.C., Hobbs, R.P. and Lymbery, A.J. (1994) FORTRAN programs for analysing population structure from multilocus genotypic data. Journal of Heredity 85: 336-337.

Lymbery, A.J. and Thompson, R.C.A. (1996) Species of Echinococcus - pattern and process. Parasitology Today 12: 486-491.

Lymbery, A.J., Constantine, C.C. and Thompson, R.C.A. (1997) Self-fertilization without genomic or population structuring in a parasitic tapeworm. Evolution 51: 289-294.

Doupé, R.G. and Lymbery, A.J. (2000) Managing translocations of aquatic species. Aquaculture Research 31: 151-156.

Robertson, I.D., Irwin, P.J., Lymbery, A.J. and Thompson, R.C.A. (2000) The role of companion animals in the emergence of parasitic zoonoses. International Journal for Parasitology 30: 1369 – 1377.

Chai, J.-Y., Murrell, D. and Lymbery, A.J. (2005) Fishborne parasitic zoonoses: status and issues. International Journal for Parasitology 35: 1233-1254.

Doupé, R.G., Lymbery, A.J. and Pettit, N.D. (2006) Stream salinisation is associated with reduced taxonomic, but not functional diversity in a riparian plant community. Austral Ecology 32: 388-393.

Currently Held Grants

Name Project Funding Body Duration Total funds ($)

Gavin Partridge, Alan Lymbery, Rob Doupé, Gavin Sarre, Greg Jenkins

New technologies for sustainable commercial finfish culture




Alan Lymbery

The importance of parasites in the conservation of native freshwater fish

Australia and Pacific Science Foundation



Alan Lymbery, Neil Pettit

Measuring and managing the impact of secondary salinisation on riparian ecosystems

Australian Flora Foundation



Alan Lymbery, Rob Doupé, Geoff Tudor, Gavin Sarre

Integrating inland saline aquaculture and livestock production




Andrew Thompson, Alan Lymbery, Andrew Smith, Phillip Clark, Peter Spencer, Keith Morris, Adrian Wayne

The nature, diversity and potential impact of infectious agents in Western Australian threatened mammals

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