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Professor Bart Currie
Prof. Bart Currie
Menzies School of Health Research logo


Head, Tropical and Emerging Infectious Diseases Division


Menzies School of Health Research
PO Box 41096
Casuarina NT 0810, AUSTRALIA


Research interests

melioidosis, tropical and infectious diseases, toxicology


FAFPHM 1990 Royal Australasian College of Physicians
FAFCP 1985 Royal Australasian College of Physicians
DTM&H 1985 London School of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene
MBBS 1978 University of Melbourne

Five Most Significant Publications

Walton SF, Beroukas D, Roberts-Thomson P, Currie BJ. New insights into disease pathogenesis in crusted (Norwegian) scabies. Brit J Derm 2008;158:1247-1255.

Tong SYC, McDonald MI, Holt D, Currie BJ. Global implications of the emergence of community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Indigenous populations. Clin Infect Dis 2008;46:1871-1878.

Currie BJ, Canale E, Isbister GK. The effectiveness of pressure - immobilisation first aid for snakebite requires further study. Emerg Med Austral 2008;20:267-270.

Jacups SP, Whelan PI, Markey PG, Cleland SJ, Williamson GJ, Currie BJ. Predictive indicators for Ross River virus infection in the Darwin area of tropical northern Australia, using long-term mosquito trapping data. Trop Med Int Health 2008;13:943-952.

Currie BJ, Thomas AD, Godoy D, Dance DA, Cheng AC, Ward L, Mayo M, Pitt TL, Spratt BG. Australian and Thai isolates of Burkholderia pseudomallei are distinct by multilocus sequence typing; revision of a case of mistaken identity. J Clin Microbiol 2007; 45:3828-3829.

Currently Held Grants

2006-2008: NHMRC 383507: CIE: Project grant - Neurocognitive and social changes associated with unleaded petrol sniffing and abstinence from further sniffing

2007-2009: NHMRC 436006 CIB: Project grant - An immunodiagnostic assay for scabies

2007-2008: NHMRC 436009: CIE: Project grant - Mathematical modelling of bacterial carriage in children

2006-2008: NHMRC 383504: CIA: Project grant - Continuation of the Darwin prospective melioidosis study

2007-2008: National Heart Foundation of Australia: CIC: Project grant - Investigation of human heart antigens identified by screening a cDNA library using ARF sera

2007-2010: Office for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Health: CIC: Project grant - Screening for rheumatic heart disease in Indigenous children

2007-2008: US Department of the Interior NBCH2070001: CIB: Project grant - High-resolution/highly sensitive assays for forensic analysis and attribution of bacterial biothreat agents