Assoc. Prof. Carolyn A. Behm
Associate Professor
Nematode Molecular Genetics Group
School of Biology
College of Medicine, Biology and Environment
Building 41
Australian National University
Canberra ACT 0200
Tel. 02 61252203
Fax 02 61250313
Research interests
Our focus is on functional genomics, biochemistry and molecular genetics of nematodes; nematode olfaction; new molecular strategies for controlling animal and plant-parasitic nematodes.
BSc(Hons) 1971; PhD 1974 (ANU)
Ten Most Significant Publications
Grant, W.N. and Behm, C.A. (2007) Target identification and validation for anthelmintic discovery. Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery 2(S1), S91-S98.
Johnson, N.M., Behm, C.A. and Trowell, S.C. (2005) Heritable and inducible gene knockdown in C. elegans using Wormgate and the ORFeome. Gene 359, 26-34.
Behm, C.A., Bendig, M.M., McCarter, J.P. and Sluder, A.E. (2005) RNA interference-based discovery and validation of new drug targets in filarial nematodes. Trends in Parasitology 21(3), 97-100.
Walker, G.W., Geue, R.J., Sargeson, A.M. and Behm, C.A. (2003) Surface-active cobalt cage complexes: synthesis, surface chemistry, biological activity, and redox properties. Dalton Transactions 2992-3001.
Pellerone, F.I., Archer, S.K., Behm, C.A., Grant, W.N., Lacey, M.J. and Somerville, A.C. (2003) Trehalose metabolism genes in Caenorhabditis elegans and filarial nematodes. International Journal for Parasitology 33(11), 1195-1206.
Behm, C.A. (2002) Metabolism. In: Lee, D.L. (Ed) The Biology of Nematodes. Taylor & Francis, London pp261-290.
Behm, C.A. and Ovington, K.S. (2000) The role of eosinophils in parasitic helminth infections: insights from genetically modified mice. Parasitology Today 16 (5), 202-209.
Ovington, K.S., McKie, K., Matthaei, K.I., Young, I.G. and Behm, C.A. (1998) Regulation of Strongyloides ratti infections in mice by interleukin-5. Immunology 95 488-493.
Behm, C.A. (1997) The role of trehalose in the physiology of nematodes. International Journal for Parasitology 27 (2), 215-229.
Bryant, C. and Behm, C.A. (1989) Biochemical Adaptation in Parasites. Chapman and Hall, London 259pp.
Currently Held Grants
2007 – 2010 Australian Wool Innovation Ltd/Meat and Livestock Australia Ltd 'Identification and validation of new drug targets for control of gastrointestinal nematode parasites of sheep' (C.A. Behm (ANU), J. Zawadzki (DPIVic), A. Kotze (CSIRO Livestock Industries))
2006 – 2008 Grains Research & Development Corporation ANU00006 'Exploring a model system to develop controls for plant parasitic nematodes' (C.A. Behm, S. Trowell, U. Mathesius)
2006 – 2008 CSIRO Food Futures Flagship Cluster Collaboration 'Learning the principles of olfactory pattern recognition from insects and nematodes' (RSBS-ANU: M. Srinivasan, J. Reinhard, C. Claudianos; Monash Univ.: C. Warr; BMB-ANU: C.A. Behm, U. Mathesius) |