Research Fellow
Institute for Biotechnology of Infectious Diseases
University of Technology, Sydney
PO Box 123, Broadway, NSW, 2007
Research interests
My main research interests are host immune responses to parasites focussing mainly on the Apicomplexan parasite Toxoplasma gondii and the role various cell receptors play in this. I am also interested in how the host and parasite interact particularly the parasitic molecules involved and the response seen in the host
BSc (Hons), ANU, 1986; PhD, ANU, 1992
Ten Most Significant Publications
10. Miller CM, Smith NC, Ikin RJ, Boulter NR, Dalton JP and Donnelly S. Immunological interactions between the Th1-inducing protozoan Toxoplasma gondii and the Th2-inducing helminth Fasciola hepatica. Accepted in PLoS ONE
9. Pissuwan D, Valenzuela SM, Miller CM, Killingworth MC and Cortie MB Destruction and control of Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites using gold nanosphere/antibody conjugates Accepted in Small
8. Pissuwan D, Valenzuela SM, Miller C.M. and Cortie MB (2007) A golden bullet? Selective targeting of Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites using antibody-functionalized gold nanorods Nano Letters 7(12): 3808-3812
7. Miller, C.M.D., Quinn, H.E., Windsor, P.A. and Ellis, J.T. (2002) Characterisation of the first Australian isolate of Neospora caninum from cattle Australian Veterinary Journal 80, 620-625
6. Miller CM, Akratos C, Johnson AM and Smith NC (2000) The production of a 70 kDa heat shock protein by Toxoplasma gondii in immunocompromised mice. International Journal for Parasitology, 31, 1467-1473
5. Miller, C.M., Smith, N.C. and Johnson A.M. (1999) Cytokines, nitric oxide, heat-shock protein and virulence in Toxoplasma. Parasitology Today 15, 418-422
4. Smith NC, Wallach M, Miller CMD, Braun R & Eckert J (1994) Maternal transmission of immunity to Eimeria maxima : Western blot analysis of protective antibodies induced by infection. Infection and Immunity 62, 4811-4817
3. Wallach M, Smith NC, Miller CMD, Petracca M, Braun R & Eckert J (1995) Eimeria maxima gametocyte antigens : potential use as a subunit, maternal vaccine against coccidiosis in chickens. Vaccine 13, 347-354
2. Miller CMD, Howell MJ & Boray JC (1994) Glutathione S-transferase as a marker for drug resistance in Fasciola hepatica. International Journal for Parasitology 24, 533-542
1. Miller CMD, Howell MJ & Boray JC (1993) Host effects on glutathione S-transferase activity in Fasciola hepatica. International Journal for Parasitology 23, 1073-1076