Professor of Biotechnology
Institute for the Biotechnology of Infectious Diseases (IBID)
University of Technology Sydney
Level 5, Building 4,
Thomas and Harris Street, Ultimo
Sydney, NSW 2007
Tel: 61-2-9514 4142
Fax: 61-2-9514 4201
Email: John.Dalton@uts.edu.au
Research interests
Primarily, our research is focused on the characterisation of endo- and exo-proteases of both Helminth and protozoan parasites, and their role in host-parasite co-existence. Ultimately, our goal is to develop anti-protease vaccines and/or chemotherapeutics.
B.Sc. (Zoology/Biochemistry) 1980
Ph.D. (Zoology/Parasitology) 1984
Ten Most Significant Publications
Stack, C.M, Lowther, J., Cunningham, E., Donnelly, S., Gardiner, D.L., Trenholme, K.R., Skinner-Adams, T.S., Teuscher, F., Grembecka, J., Mucha, A., Kafarski, P., Lua, L., Bell, A., and Dalton, J.P. (2007) Characterisation of the Plasmodium falciparum M17 leucyl aminopeptidase: a protease involved in amino acid regulation with potential for antimalarial drug development. J. Biol. Chem. 282, 2069-2080.
Sekiya, M., Mulcahy, G., Irwin, J.A, Stack, C.M., Donnelly, S.M, Xu, W., Peter Collins, P. and Dalton, J.P. (2006) Biochemical characterisation of the recombinant peroxiredoxin (FhePrx) of the liver fluke, Fasciola hepatica. FEBS Lett. 580, 5016-5022.
Gardiner, D.L., Trenholme, K.R, Skinner-Adams, T.S, Stack, C.M, and Dalton, J.P. (2006). Over-expression of leucyl aminopeptidase in Plasmodium falciparum parasites: target for the anti-malaria activity of bestatin. J. Biol. Chem. 281, 1741-1745.
Dalton, J.P., Caffrey, C.R., Sajid, M., Stack, C., Donnelly, S., Loukas, A., Don, T., McKerrow, J.H, Halton, D.W. and Paul J. Brindley (2006). Proteases in trematode biology. In Protein function, Metabolism and Physiology (Aaron Maule and Nicky Marks, Eds.), CAB International, Wallingford, Oxon, UK.
Donnelly, S., Dalton, J.P. and Loukas, A.C. (2006) Protease in helminth- and allergen-induced inflammatory responses. In Parasites and Allergies; Chemical Immunology and Allergy Series. (M. Capron and F. Trottein, eds.) Karger Publishers, Basel, Switzerland, Munich, Germany (www.karger.com/chial).
Donnelly, S., Sekiya, M., Mulcahy, G., O’Neill, S. and Dalton, J.P. (2005) Thioredoxin peroxidase secreted by Fasciola hepatica induced alternative activation of macrophages. Infection and Immunity 73, 166-173.
Collins, P.R., Stack, C.N., O’Neill, S.M., Doyle, S., Ryan, T., Brennan, G.P., Mousley, A., Stewart, M., Maule, A.G., Dalton, J. P. and Donnelly, S. (2004) Cathepsin L1, the major protease involved in liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica) virulence: propeptide cleavage sites and autoactivation of the zymogen secreted from gastrodermal cells. J. Biol. Chem. 279, 17038-17046.
Williamson, A.L., Brindley, P.J., Abbenante, G., Prociv, P., Berry, C., Girdwood, K., Pritchard, D.I., Fairlie, D.P., Hotez, P.J., Dalton, J.P., Loukas, A. (2002) Cleavage of hemoglobin by hookworm cathepsin D aspartic proteases and its potential contribution to host specificity. FASEB J. 16, 1458-60.
Gavigan, C., Machado, S.G., Dalton, J.P. and Bell, A. (2001) Analysis of antimalarial synergy between bestatin and endoprotease inhibitors using statistical response-surface modelling. Antimicrob. Agents Chemonther. 45, 3175-3181.
Gavigan, C., Dalton, J.P. and Bell, A. (2001) Plasmodium falciparum leucine aminopeptidase: potential target for novel anti-malarial drugs. Mol. Biochem. Parasitology 117, 37-48.
Currently Held Grants
Enterprise Ireland Technology Development Fund.
Commercialisation of liver fluke vaccines (with Dr. Grace Mulcahy, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University College Dublin, Ireland).
NSW BioFirst Award, NSW Government.
Fasciola hepatica: a model for investigating immune regulation by helminths.
Australian Research Council Discovery Project.
Structural and Functional Diversity of Cathepsin L proteases..
National Health and Medical Research Council Grant.
Recruitment and Alternative Activation of macrophages by thioredoxin peroxidases (peroxiredoxins) of helminth pathogens.
Enterprise Ireland Technology Development Fund.
Vaccine for Sea Lice of salmonids. (with Dr. Grace Mulcahy, University College Dublin, Ireland)
Australian Research Council Discovery Project.
Aminopeptidases involved in the regulating the amino acid pool in malaria parasites.
Wain International Travel Fellowship
(Dr. Mark Robinson, University of Aberdeen)
Immunoregulation in helminth parasites
European Community Fifth Framework programme
(Director, Jose Perez, University of Cordoba, Spain)
FP6 Sustainable Control of Liver Fluke Disease in Europe – DELIVER.