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Dr Jacqui Upcroft
Dr Jacqui Upcroft
The Queensland Institute of Medical Research logo


Senior Research Fellow


Queensland Institute of Medical Research
300 Herston Road, Herston, QLD 4029

Phone: (61) 7 3362 0369
Fax: (61) 7 3362 0105



Research Group

Jacqui Upcroft, Senior Research Fellow, BSC (Hons). PhD Biochemistry Sydney University,

Peter Upcroft, Principal Research Fellow, BSC (Hons). PhD Biochemistry Sydney University,

Linda Dunn, Research Officer, BSc (Hons). PhD Parasitology University of Queensland,

Anita Burgess, Research Officer, BSc (Hons) MSc PhD Microbiology, University of Queensland,

Research interests

The group is focussed on the mechanisms of drug action, mechanisms of drug resistance, resistance monitoring, new drugs and genome structure and organisation in the anaerobic protozoa. Current projects in collaboration with USA colleagues target designing and assessing new nitroimidazole drugs against anaerobes.

Ten Most Significant Publications

1. Jane M. Carlton, Robert P. Hirt, Joana C. Silva, et al., C. C. Wang, Rebecca L. Dunne, Jacqueline A. Upcroft, Peter Upcroft, Owen White, Steven L. Salzberg, Ying-shiung Lee, Cheng-hsun Chiu, Petrus Tang, T. Martin Embley, Graham H. Coombs, Jeremy C. Mottram, Jan Tachezy, Claire M. Fraser-Liggett and Patricia J. Johnson. 2007. The draft genome sequence of the sexually-transmitted pathogen Trichomonas vaginalis. Science 315: 207-212.

2. Dunn LA, Andrews KT, McCarthy JS, Wright JM, Skinner-Adams TS, Upcroft P, Upcroft JA. 2007. The activity of protease inhibitors against Giardia duodenalis and metronidazole-resistant Trichomonas vaginalis. Int J Antimicrob Agents 29: 98-102.

3. Upcroft JA, Delgadillo-Correa MG, Dunne RL, Sturm AW, Johnson PJ, Upcroft P. 2006. Genotyping Trichomonas vaginalis. Int J Parasitol 36: 821-28.

4. Upcroft JA, Dunn LA, Wright JM, Benakli K, Upcroft P, Vanelle P. 2006. 5-Nitroimidazole Drugs Effective Against Metronidazole-Resistant Trichomonas vaginalis and Giardia duodenalis. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother 50: 344-347

5. Upcroft JA, Abedinia, M, Upcroft P. 2005. Rearranged sub-telomeric rRNA genes in Giardia. Eukaryotic Cell 4: 484-486.

6. Wright JM, Dunn LA, Upcroft P, Upcroft JA. 2003. Efficacy of anti-giardial drugs. Expert Opinions in Drug Safety 2:529-541.

7. Upcroft P, Upcroft JA. 2001. Drug treatment and drug resistance in the anaerobic protozoa. Clin Microbiol Rev 14: 150-164.

8. Upcroft J, Upcroft P. 2001. Drug susceptibility testing of the anaerobic protozoa. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 45: 1810-1814.

9. Upcroft P, Upcroft JA. 1999. Organization and structure of the Giardia genome. Protist 150: 17-23.

10. Upcroft P, Chen N, Upcroft JA. 1997. Telomeric organization of a variable and inducible toxin gene family in the ancient eukaryote Giardia duodenalis. Genome Res 7: 37-46.

Currently Held Grants

1. National Institutes of Health, USA. "New drugs against metronidazole-resistant Giardia" L. Eckmann, F Gillin, JA Upcroft, P Upcroft B Sharpless. 2007-2012.

2. NHMRC project grant number 496640. "Mechanism of action of new 5-nitroimidazole drugs which are effective against metronidazole-resistant Giardia". J.A. Upcroft, P. Upcroft. 2008-2010.