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Dr Malcolm Jones


Senior Research Fellow, Molecular Parasitology Unit, Queensland Institute of Medical Research


Queensland Institute of Medical Research
PO Royal Brisbane Hospital
Herston Queensland 4029
Tel: +61-7-33620406
Fax: +61-7-33620104


1982, B. Sc. (Honours) The University of Queensland
1986, Ph D The University of Queensland

Research Interests


My interests lie in the biology and control of schistosome parasites of humans. I am particularly interested in the biology of the unique tegument ("skin") of schistosomes and other flatworms. This thin layer is formed of a single syncytial unit and serves the parasites in protection, signalling, nutrition among many other functions. I employ advanced microscopy techniques including electron microscopy, immunocytochemistry and laser microdissection microscopy in my studies.

Ten Most Significant Publications

1. Jones, M.K. and Good, M.F. (2006). Malaria parasite up close. Nature Medicine, 12, 171-172.

2. Tran, M.H., Pearson, M.S., Bethony, J. M., Smyth, D. J., Jones, M.K., Duke, M., Don, T.A., McManus, D.P., Correa-Oliveira, R., Loukas, A. (2006) Tetraspanins on the surface of Schistosoma mansoni are protective vaccine antigens against schistosomiasis. Nature Medicine, 12, 835-40. IF=28.878

3. Smyth, J.D., Glanfield, A., McManus, D.P., Hacker, E., Blair, D., Anderson, G.J. & Jones, M.K. (2006). Two isoforms of a divalent metal transporter (DMT1) in Schistosoma mansoni suggest a surface-associated pathway for iron absorption in schistosomes. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 281: 2242 - 2248.

4. Ranjit, N., Jones, M.K., Stenzel, D.J., Gasser, R., Loukas, R. (2006). Analysis of hookworm intestinal transcriptome using laser microdissection microscopy and an EST approach. International Journal for Parasitology, 36, 701-710.

5. Loukas, A. Jones, M.K., King, L.T., Brindley, P.J. & McManus, D.P. (2001). A receptor for Fc on the surface of schistosomes. Infection and Immunity, 69, 3646-3651.

6. Jones, M.K., Randall, L., McManus, D.P. and Engwerda, C. (2004). Laser microdissection microscopy in parasitology: microscopes meet thermocyclers. Trends in Parasitology, 20, 502-506.

7. Jones, M. K., Zhang, L, Gobert, G.N., Sunderland, P. & McManus, D.P. (2004). The cytoskeleton and motor proteins of human schistosomes and their roles in surface maintenance and host-parasite interactions. BioEssays, 26, 752-765.

8. Westaway, EG, Mackenzie, J.M., Kenney, M.T., Jones, M. K. and Khromykh, A.A. (1997). Ultrastructure of Kunjin virus-infected cells; co-localization of NS1 and NS3 with double-stranded RNA, and of NS2B with NS3, in virus-induced membrane structures. Journal of Virology, 71, 6650-6661.

9. Jones, M.K., McManus, D.P., Sivadorai, P., Glanfield, A., Moertel, L., Belli, S.I., & Gobert, G.N. (2007). Tracking the fate of iron in early development of human blood flukes. International Journal for Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 39, 1646-1658.

10. Jones, M.K. (1987). A taxonomic revision of the Nematotaeniidae Lühe, 1910 (Cestoda Cyclophyllidea). Systematic Parasitology, 10, 165-245.

Currently Held Grants

2007-2009 Title: Transport pathways of host-derived iron in schistosome parasites
Duration: 3 years
Source NHMRC Proj No. 442910
CIs: Jones, Loukas, McManus

2007 Title: Roles of tetraspanins in the schistosome tegument
Duration: 3 years
Source NHMRC Proj No. 442907
CIs: Loukas, Jones

2008-2010 CIs: Jones, Zhang
Title: Genes Determining Asexual/Sexual Development in Echinococcus granulosus
Duration: 3 years
