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Professor Magdalena Plebanski
Professor Magdalena Plebanski
Monash University


Professor in Department of Immunology, and Head of Vaccine & Infectious Diseases Unit.

Monash University
Vaccine & Infectious Diseases Unit
Department of Immunology,
Central and Eastern Clinical School,
Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences
Alfred Hospital, Commercial Rd,
Prahran, Vic 3181

Tel: 03 9903 0667
Fax: 03 9903 0038

Research interests

Our research interests are to study immuno modulation (by T cells or APC), and to develop practical and affordable vaccines against complex diseases, particularly those that affect the Third World (eg. malaria) utilizing innovative delivery system with nanoparticles. Investigate APC/nanoparticle interactions, immune evasion and regulation by pathogens.


BScHon (First Class), University of Mexico, UNAM (Mexico) 1988

PhD in Immunology, University of Bristol (UK), 1993

Diploma Level in Business Administration, MBA Program, Deakin University (Australia), 2006

Ten Most Significant Publications

MP1. Gilbert, S.C., Plebanski, M., Harris, S.J., Allsopp, C.E., Thomas, R., Layton, G.T., and Hill, A.V. "A protein particle vaccine containing multiple malaria epitopes", NATURE BIOTECHNOLOGY, 15, 1280-1284 (1997). Impact factor =22.672.

MP2. Plebanski, M.*, Gilbert, S.C.*, Gupta, S., Morris, J., Cox, M., Aidoo, M., Kwiatkowski, D., Greenwood, B.M., Whittle, H.C., and Hill, A.V., "Association of malaria parasite population structure, HLA, and immunological antagonism", SCIENCE (New York, NY), 279, 1173-1177 (1998). Impact factor =30.028 *Equal contributors

MP3. Urban, B.C., Ferguson, D.J., Pain, A., Willcox, N., Plebanski, M., Austyn, J.M., and Roberts, D.J., "Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes modulate the maturation of dendritic cells", NATURE 400, 73-77 (1999). Impact factor =26.681.

MP4. Plebanski, M., Lee, E.A., Hannan, C.M., Flanagan, K.L., Gilbert, S.C., Gravenor, M.B., and Hill, A.V., "Altered peptide ligands narrow the repertoire of cellular immune responses by interfering with T-cell priming", NATURE MEDICINE, 5, 565-571 (1999). Impact factor =28.588.

MP5. Plebanski, M., Flanagan, K.L., Lee, E.A., Reece, W.H., Hart, K., Gelder, C., Gillespie, G., Pinder, M., and Hill, A.V.. "Interleukin 10-mediated immunosuppression by a variant CD4 T cell epitope of Plasmodium falciparum", IMMUNITY, 10, 651-660 (1999). Impact factor =18.306.

MP6. Flanagan, K.L., Lee, E.A., Gravenor, M.B., Reece, W.H., Urban, B.C., Doherty, T., Bojang, K.A., Pinder, M., Hill, A.V., and Plebanski, M., "Unique T cell effector functions elicited by Plasmodium falciparum epitopes in malaria-exposed Africans tested by three T cell assays". JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, 167, 4729-4737 (2001). Impact factor =6.293.

MP7. Reece, W.H., Pinder, M., Gothard, P.K., Milligan, P., Bojang, K., Doherty, T., Plebanski, M., Akinwunmi, P., Everaere, S., Watkins, K.R., Voss, G., Tornieporth, N., Alloueche, A., Greenwood, B.M., Kester, K.E., McAdam, K.P., Cohen, J., and Hill, A.V., "A CD4 (+) T-cell immune response to a conserved epitope in the circumsporozoite protein correlates with protection from natural Plasmodium falciparum infection and disease", NATURE MEDICINE, 10(4): 406-10 (2004). Impact factor =28.588.

MP8. *Fifis, T. Gamvrellis, A., Crimeen-Irwin, B., Pietersz, GA, Li, J., Mottram, PL McKenzie IFC and Plebanski M., "Size dependent immunogenicity and protective efficacy of nano-vaccines against tumors", JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, 173(5): 3148-54 (2004). Impact factor =6.293.

MP9. *Pouniotis, D. S., O. Proudfoot, Bogdanoska, V, Scalzo, K., Kovacevic, S., Coppel, R. L. and Plebanski, M., "Selectively Impaired CD8+ but Not CD4+ T Cell Cycle Arrest during Priming as a Consequence of Dendritic Cell Interaction with Plasmodium-Infected Red Cells", JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, 175(6): 3525-33 (2005). Impact factor = 6.293.

MP10. *Mottram, P., Leong, D., Crimeen, B., Gloster, S., Xiang, S.D., Meanger, J., Ghydial, R. and Plebanski, M., "Type 1 and 2 immunity following vaccination is influenced by Nanoparticle size: formulation of a model vaccine for Respiratory Syncytial Virus", MOLECULAR PHARMACOLOGY. 4(1):73-84 (2007). Impact factor = 4.469.

Currently Held Grants

2008-2011 NHMRC Project Grant 'Inhibition of allergic airway inflammation by nanoparticles', with Prof. Robyn O'Hehir, Assoc.Prof. Jenny Rowland and Dr. Charles Hardy. I am the principal Chief Investigator

2008-2013 NHMRC Senior Research Fellowship,

2007-2008 Monash Strategic Grant, with Prof. Ross Coppel.

2005-2010 NHMRC Program Grant 'Malaria: from target identification to therapeutics'. over 5 years with Prof. Ross Coppel, Prof. Mark von Itsztein and Assoc.Prof. Brian Cooke. I am one of four Chief Investigators.