Macquarie University Research Fellow / Lecturer
Biological Sciences,
Macquarie University
North Ryde, NSW, 2109, AUSTRALIA
Tel: 61-2-9850 6974
Email: mpower@els.mq.edu.au
Research interests
I am particularly interested in protozoan biodiversity, evolution and host-parasite relationships in the Australian context. This includes co-evolution of parasites and marsupials, impacts of Eutherians to protozoan transmission in the Australian environment, development of fluorescence based tools for biodiversity assessments, and the role of parasites in extinction and conservation of marsupials.
Bachelor of Science
PhD (2003)
Ten Most Significant Publications
1. Power, M.L., N. C. Sangster, M. B. Slade and D. A. Veal (2005) "Patterns of Cryptosporidium oocyst shedding by eastern grey kangaroos inhabiting an Australian watershed." Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 71: 6159-6164
2. Power, M.L., J. Littlefield-Wyer, D. M. Gordon, D. A. Veal and M. B. Slade. (2005) "Phenotypic and genotypic characterisation of encapsulated Escherichia coli isolated from blooms in two Australian Lakes." Environmental Microbiology 7:631-640.
3. Power, M. L., B. C. Ferrari, J. Littlefield-Wyer, D. M. Gordon, M. B. Slade and D. A. Veal. (2006) "Characterisation of a novel Escherichia coli outer membrane protein A allele." 72: 7930-7932.
4. B.C. Ferrari, M.L.Power and P.L. Bergquist (2007) "Closed-tube DNA extraction using a thermostable proteinase is highly sensitive, capable of single parasite detection." Biotechnology Letters 29: 1831837
5. Ryan, U.M., M.L. Power, and L. Xiao (In Press) "Cryptosporidium fayeri n. sp (Apicomplexa: Cryptosporidiidae) from a red kangaroo (Macropus rufus)" Journal of Eukaryotic microbiology.
6. Power, M.L. (2005) Kangaroo "Cryptosporidium: Is it a wildlife disease?" Australian Microbiology
7. Power, M.L., M. B Slade, N.C. Sangster and D.A. Veal .
"Genetic variation of Cryptosporidium from wild eastern grey kangaroos Macropus giganteus."(2004) Infection, Genetics and Evolution 4: 59-67.
8. Power, M. L., Shanker, S. R., Sangster, N. C. and Veal D. A. (2003) "Cryptosporidium in eastern grey kangaroos Macropus giganteus. IN: Cryptosporidium: from molecules to disease." Eds; Thompson, R.C.A., Armson, A. and Ryan, U. Elsevier Science B.V, Amsterdam.
9. Power, M. L., Slade, M., Sangster, N. C. and Veal D. A. (2003) "Evaluation of a combined Immunomagnetic separation / flow cytometry technique for epidemiological investigations of Cryptosporidium in domestic and Australian native animals": Veterinary Parasitology 112: 21-31.
10. Hill, N.J., J.P. Dubey, L. Vogelnest, M.L. Power, E.M. Deane (In Press) "Do free-ranging Common brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) play a role in the transmission of Toxoplasma gondii within a zoo environment?" Veterinary Parasitology
Currently Held Grants
Power, M.L.
Host parasite co-evolution; a tool for managing emerging diseases in marsupials. Macquarie University Research Fellowship 2008-2010
Power, M.L. Ferrari, B.C. Beggs, P. Ryan, U.M. and Musto, J.
Molecular Ecology of Cryptosporidium in Rural and Urban NSW.
ARC Linkage 2007-2010.
Power, M.L., Raftos, D., Deane, E.M., Behergaray, L., Atwell, B., Stokes, H. and Ferrari, B.C.
High resolution Gel documentation system.
MQU Research Infrastructure Block Grant. 2007.
Power, M.L., Eldridge, M. and Deane E.M .
Disease management for the Conservation of Rock Wallabies. 2007-2008.