Professor of Experimental Pathology, University of Sydney
Executive Director, Bosch Institute
Molecular Immunopathology Unit
Bosch Institute
Medical Foundation Building (K25)
University of Sydney
NSW 2006
Tel: +61-2-9036-3242
Fax: +61-2-9036-3286
Email: nhunt@med.usyd.edu.au
Research interests
The pathogenesis of severe malaria, with an emphasis on immunopathological mechanisms in cerebral malaria and pulmonary oedema. Areas of interest include bioenergetics, gene expression, blood-brain barrier, astrocyte and microglial function, kynurenine pathway of tryptophan metabolism.
BSc (Hons, University of Aston, UK, 1970)
PhD (University of Aston, UK, 1974)
Ten Most Significant Publications
Martin, T.J., Ingleton, P.M., Underwood, J.C.E., Michelangeli, V.P., Hunt, N.H. & Melick, R.A. (1976). Parathyroid hormone-responsive adenylate cyclase in induced transplantable osteogenic rat sarcoma. Nature 206, 436-438.
Stocker, R., Hunt, N.H., Buffinton, G.D., Weidemann, M.J., Lewis-Hughes, P.H. & Clark, I.A. (1985). Oxidative stress and protective mechanisms in erythrocytes in relation to Plasmodium vinckei load. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 82, 548-551.
Clark, I.A., Cowden, W.B., Butcher, G.A. & Hunt, N.H. (1987). Possible roles of tumour necrosis factor in the pathology of malaria. Am. J. Pathol. 129, 192-199.
Clark, I.A., Hunt, N.H., Butcher, G.A. & Cowden, W.B. (1987). Inhibition of murine malaria (Plasmodium chabaudi) in vivo by recombinant or tumour necrosis factor, and its enhancement by butylatedγinterferon- hydroxyanisole. J. Immunol. 139, 3493-3496.
Chan-Ling, T., Neill, A.L. & Hunt, N.H. (1992). Early microvascular changes in murine cerebral malaria detected using retinal wholemounts. Am. J. Pathol. 140, 1121-1130.
Sanni, L.A., Tattam, B., Thomas, S.R., Moore, D., Chaudhri, G., Stocker, R. & Hunt, N.H. (1998). Dramatic changes in oxidative tryptophan metabolism along the kynurenine pathway in cerebral and non-cerebral malaria. Am. J. Pathol. 152, 611-619.
Watts, A.D., Hunt, N.H., Wanigasekara, Y., Bloomfield, G., Roufogalis, B.D., Wallach, D. & Chaudhri, G. (1999). A casein kinase I motif present in the cytoplasmic domain of most members of the TNF ligand family is implicated in "reverse signalling."EMBO J. 18, 2119-2126.
Rae, C., McQuillan, J.A., Parekh, S.P., Bubb, W.A., Weiser, S., Balcar, V.J., Hansen, A., Ball, H. & Hunt, N.H. (2004). Brain gene expression, metabolism and bioenergetics: Interrelationships in murine models of cerebral and non-cerebral malaria. FASEB J. 18, 499-510.
Okada F, Kobayashi M, Tanaka H, Kobayashi T, Tazawa H, Iuchi Y, Hosokawa M, Fujii J, Dinauer MC, Hunt NH. (2006). Essential role of phagocyte-derived reactive oxygen species in the acquisition of metastatic ability of tumour cells. Am. J. Pathol. 169, 294-302.
Ball HJ, Sanchez-Perez A, Weiser S, Austin CJD, Astelbauer F, Miu J, McQuillan J, Stocker R, Jermiin LS, Hunt NH. (2007). Characterization of an indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase-like protein found in humans and mice. Gene 396, 203-213.
Currently Held Grants
NH Hunt, HJ Ball, GE Grau. Pathophysiology of malaria-associated lung disease. NHMRC Project Grant, #402450, 2006-08.
R Stocker, NH Hunt. Tryptophan metabolism and vascular tone. NHMRC Project Grant, #400992, 2006-08.
GE Grau, D Cook, NH Hunt. Relationship between cell-cell interactions and disease severity in patients with cerebral malaria. NHMRC Project Grant #464893. 2007-2009.
NH Hunt, HJ Ball, GE Grau. Dysregulation of cytokine networks: a key determinant of the pathogenesis of cerebral malaria. NHMRC Project Grant #512469. 2008-2010.
GE Grau, NH Hunt. Microparticles as effectors of microvascular alternations in brain inflammation. ARC, Discovery Grant. 2007-2009.
NH Hunt. Pathogenic role of microparticles in cerebral malaria. Australian European Union Collaborative Grant, Project Grant #512691. 2007-2008.