Professor Peter O'Donoghue
Professor in Parasitology, The University of Queeensland
EUC Committee, CRC for Australian BioSecurity (10%)
Department of Microbiology and Parasitology,
School of Molecular and Microbial Sciences,
Molecular BioSciences Building #76
The University of Queensland, Brisbane
Tel: 07 3365 2584
FAX: 07 3365 4699
BSc(Hons) 1974, PhD 1979 [Adelaide University],
GCEd 2000, DSc 2005 [University of Queensland]
Fellow ASP
Research Interests
Diagnosis and pathogenesis of infections by parasitic protozoa (amoebae, flagellates, sporozoa, ciliates) in tissues (gut, blood, organs) of Australian hosts (mammals, birds, reptiles, fish).
Ten Most Significant Publications
Cameron S.L. & O'Donoghue P.J. 2004. Phylogeny and biogeography of the "Australian" trichostomes (Ciliophora: Litostomata). Protist 155:215-235.
Cameron S.L., Adlard R.D. & O'Donoghue P.J. 2001. Evidence for an independent radiation of endosymbiotic litostome ciliates within Australian marsupial herbivores. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 20:302-310.
O’Donoghue P.J. & Adlard R.D. 2000. Catalogue of protozoan parasites recorded in Australia. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 45:1-163.
Adlard R.D. & O'Donoghue P.J. 1998. Perspectives on the biodiversity of parasitic protozoa in Australia. International Journal for Parasitology 28:887-897.
O'Donoghue P.J. 1995. Cryptosporidium and cryptosporidiosis in man and animals. International Journal for Parasitology 25:139-195.
O'Donoghue P.J., Gasser R.B. & Tribe A. 1993. New host record for the entodiniomorphid ciliate, Troglodytella abrassarti, from siamangs (Hylobates syndactylus). International Journal for Parasitology 23:415-418.
O'Donoghue P.J. & Rommel M. 1992. Australian-German collaborative studies on the immunology of Sarcocystis infections. Angewandte Parasitologie 33:102-119.
Foissner W. & O'Donoghue P.J. 1990. Morphology and infraciliature of some fresh-water ciliates (Protozoa: Ciliophora) from Western and South Australia. Invertebrate Taxonomy 3:661-696.
O'Donoghue P.J., Adams M., Dixon B., Ford G.E & Baverstock P.R. 1986. Morphological and biochemical correlates in the characterisation of Sarcocystis spp. Journal of Protozoology 33:114-121.
O'Donoghue P.J. & Ford G.E. 1984. The asexual pre-cyst development of Sarcocystis tenella in experimentally infected specific-pathogen-free lambs. International Journal for Parasitology 14:345-355.