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Dr Peter A Windsor
(formerly Harper, until 2001)
Dr Peter A Windsor
University of Sydney logo


Associate Professor


Faculty of Veterinary Science
University of Sydney
Cobbity campus, Werombi Road
PMB 3 Camden
NSW 2570
Ph 02 93511710
Mo 0438983367
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Research interests

  • transboundary disease preparedness and emergency reponse to exotic disease threats; managing Foot and Mouth Disease, Avian Infuenza, Newcastle Disease, Swine Fever, Haemorrhagoc Septicaemia, Rabies, Surra,  
  • infectious disease control research in sheep and cattle, particularly control of paratuberculosis in sheep and cattle
  • reproductive failure in cattle, particularly Neospora caninum in Australia 
  • genetic disease research of livestock & use of inborn errors of metabolism of livestock as models of human disease (eg citrullinaemia, chondrodysplasia)
  • neuroscience research, investigating the neurochemical and neuropathological basis of clinical neurological deficits and pain responses to husbandry interventions in livestock (eg spongiform neuropathies, mulesing)
  • toxicological disease, investigating the pathobiological basis of new and emerging diseases associate with intoxication of grazing animals  (eg vetch toxicosis) 


BVSc (Hons) 1977
PhD 1988
Grad Cert Higher Education 2005
Registered Specialist Veterinary Surgeon, Pathobiology, NSW S33, 1989 to present

Ten Most Significant Publications

Gundlach, A.L., Dodd, P.R., Grabara, C.S.G., Watson, W.E.J., Johnston, G.A.R., Harper, P.A.W., Dennis, J.A., Healy, P.J. (1988).  Deficit of spinal cord glycine/strychnine receptors in inherited congenital myoclonus of Poll Hereford calves.  Science 241: 1807-1809. 

Harper, P.A.W., Healy, P.J., Dennis, J.A. (1989). Animal model of Human Disease - Citrullinaemia. Am. J. Pathol. 135: 1213-1215.

Harper, P.A.W., Healy, P.J., Dennis, J.A. (1990). Animal model of Human Disease - Maple Syrup Urine Disease.  Am. J. Pathol. 136(6): 1445-1447.

Harper, P.A.W., Cook, R.W., Jackson, A.R.B., Badcoe, L.M., Fraser, G.C., Gill, P.A., Cook, R.W. (1993). Vetch (Vicia sp.) toxicosis in cattle.  Aust. Vet. J. - 70: 140-144.

Miller, C.M.D., Quinn, H.E., Windsor, P.A., Ellis, J.T. (2002) Characterisation of the first Australian isolate of bovine Neospora caninum from cattle. Aust.Vet.J 80:620-625

Dennis, J.A., Windsor, P.A., Schofield, P.R., Healy, P.J. (2004) Bovine Hyperekplexia. Animal Models of Movement Disorders. Elsevier. ISBN: 0120883821. Section H. Pages 487-496

Windsor, P.A., Bush R.D., Links I., Eppleston, J. (2005) Injury caused by self-inoculation with a vaccine of a Freund’s complete adjuvant nature (GudairTM) used for control of ovine paratuberculosis. Aust. Vet. J. 83: 216-220

Windsor P.A. (2006). Research into vaccination against ovine Johne’s Disease in Australia. Small Ruminant Research: 62:139-142

Latter MR, Wilkins JF, Latter B, Windsor PA (2006). Inheritance of proportionate dwarfism in Angus cattle. Aust. Vet. J.  84: 127-133

Windsor, P.A. (2006). Ultrastructural findings in ovine segmental axonopathy of Merino sheep. Aust. Vet. J. 84: 169-171

Currently Held Grants

2005 – 2009: MLA Project OJD.033 – Monitoring of OJD vaccine efficacy. Windsor et al.

2006-2007:ACIAR AH/2006/077: Identifying research priorities for the development for the beef industry in Cambodia and Lao PDR with special reference to animal health interventions. Windsor et al.

2006-2010:ACIAR AH/2005/086, 'Developing best practice cattle and buffalo health and husbandry systems for Cambodia and Laos PDR'. Windsor.