Dr Robert D. Adlard
Head of Marine Zoology, Queensland Museum (80%)
Senior Lecturer, The University of Queensland (20%)
Biodiversity Program,
Queensland Museum,
PO Box 3300, South Brisbane, 4101
Tel: 07 38407723
FAX: 07 38461226
Email: RobertAd@qm.qld.gov.au
URL: www.qm.qld.gov.au
Research interests
Our research focuses on the molecular and morphological characterisation and diagnosis of parasites of aquatic animals, population dynamics of parasitic disease, epizootiology of protistan parasites, pathological effects of parasitic disease, parasitic disease in aquaculture, parasite systematics.
BSc (Honours), PhD (The University of Queensland, 1990)
Ten Most Significant Publications
Adlard, R.D., Barker, S.C., Cribb, T.H. & Blair, D. 1993. Comparison of the second internal transcribed spacer (ribosomal DNA) from populations and species of Fasciolidae (Digenea). International Journal for Parasitology 23: 423-425.
Adlard, R.D. & Lester, R.J.G. 1994. Dynamics of the interaction between the parasitic isopod, Anilocra pomacentri, and the coral reef fish, Chromis nitida. Parasitology 109: 311-324.
Adlard, R.D. & Lester, R.J.G. 1995. The life cycle and biology of Anilocra pomacentri (Isopoda : Cymothoidae) an ectoparasitic isopod of the coral reef fish, Chromis nitida (Perciformes : Pomacentridae). Australian Journal of Zoology 43:271-281.
Diggles, B.K. & Adlard, R.D., 1997. Intraspecific variation in Cryptocaryon irritans. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 44:25-32.
Mollaret, I., Jamieson, B.G.M., Adlard, R.D., Hugall, A., Lecointre, G., Chombard, C, Justine, J-L. 1997. Phylogenetic analysis of the Monogenea and their relationships with Digenea and Eucestoda inferred from 28S rDNA sequences. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology 90:433-438.
Kleeman, S.N. & Adlard, R.D. 2000. Molecular detection of Marteilia sydneyi, pathogen of Sydney Rock Oysters. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 40:137-146.
Kleeman, S.N., Adlard, R.D. & Lester, R.J.G. 2002. Detection of the initial infective stages of the protozoan parasite Marteilia sydneyi in Saccostrea glomerata and their development through to sporogenesis. International Journal for Parasitology 32: 767-784.
Whipps, C.M., Grossel, G. Adlard, R.D. Yokoyama, H. Bryant, M.S. Munday, B.L. & Kent M.L. 2003. Phylogeny of the Multivalvulidae (Myxozoa: Myxosporea) based upon comparative rDNA sequence analysis. Journal of Parasitology (in press).
Kleeman, S.N., Adlard, R.D., Zhu, X. & Gasser, R.B. 2004. Mutation scanning analysis of Marteilia sydneyi populations from different geographical locations in eastern Australia. Molecular & Cellular Probes 18:133-138.
Adlard, R.D., Bryant, M.S., Whipps, C.M. & Kent, M.L. 2005. Multivalvulid myxozoans from eastern Australia: Three new species of Kudoa from scombrid and labrid fishes of the Great Barrier Reef, Queensland Australia. Journal of Parasitology 91:1138-1142.
Currently Held Grants
2006-08: Principal Investigator, FRDC Aquatic Animal Health Subprogram grant (A$89,608). Identification of host interactions in the life-cycle of QX disease.
2005-2009: ARC Research Network for Parasitology (Investigators: A/Prof N C Smith, Dr N W Beebe, Prof J P Dalton, Prof M G Wallach, Dr G Vesey, A/Prof N C Sangster, Dr C A Behm, Dr I A Clark, Dr S Reid, Dr U M Ryan, Prof A C A Thompson, Dr C R Engwerda, Dr A C Loukas, Prof D P McManus, Dr P Upcroft, A/Prof S C Barker, Dr T H Cribb, Dr R D Adlard, Dr D Blair, Dr I Beveridge, A/Prof R B Gasser, Dr M W Lightowlers, Dr G I McFadden, Dr E N Meeusen, Dr E Handman, A/Prof R M Sandeman, Dr P T Monis, Dr I D Whittington) Administering Organisation: University of Technology, Sydney ($300,000/year, total $1,500,000)