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Dr Ric Price
Dr Ric Price
Menzies School of Health Research logo


Senior Researcher Fellow, Malaria, International Health Division


Menzies School of Health Research
PO Box 41096
Casuarina NT 0810, AUSTRALIA


Research interests

malaria, tuberculosis, microbiology, immunology, pathophysiology


FRCP (UK) 2005 Royal College of Physicians
FRACP 2004 Royal Australasian College of Physicians
FRCPath (UK) 2001 Royal College of Pathologists
MD 2000 University of London
MRCP (UK) 1993 Royal College of Physicians
MA (UK) 1990 University of Cambridge
MB 1990 University of Cambridge
BChir 1989 University of Cambridge
BA (Medical Sciences) 1986 University of Cambridge

Five Most Significant Publications

Tjitra E, Anstey NM, Sugiarto P, Warikar N, Kenangalem E, Karyana M, Lampah DA, Price RN Multidrug-resistant Plasmodium vivax malaria associated with severe and fatal malaria. PLoS Med 2008;5:e128.

Poespoprodjo JR, Fobia W, Kenangalem E, Lampah DA, Warikar N, Seal A, McGready R, Sugiarto P, Tjitra E, Anstey NM, Price RN. Adverse pregnancy outcomes associated with multidrug resistant P. falciparum and P. vivax infection in Papua, Indonesia. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2008;46:1374-1381.

Ratcliff A, Siswantoro H, Kenangalem E, Maritsela R, Wuwung M, Laihad F, Ebsworth EP, Anstey NM, Tjitra E, Price RN. Two fixed-dose artemisinin combinations for drug-resistant falciparum and vivax malaria in Papua, Indonesia: an open-label randomised comparison. The Lancet 2007;369: 757-65.

Price RN, Uhlemann AC, Brockman A, McGready R, Ashley E, Phaipun L, Patel R, Laing K, Looareesuwan S, White NJ, Nosten F, Krishna S. Mefloquine resistance in Plasmodium falciparum and increased pfmdr1 gene copy number. The Lancet 2004;364:438-437.

Price RN, Uhlemann AC, van Vugt M, Brockman A, Nair A, Hutagalung R, Nash D, Singhasivanon P, Anderson T, Krishna S, White NJ, Nosten F. Molecular and Pharmacological Determinants of the Therapeutic Response to Artemether-Lumefantrine in Multi-drug Resistant Falciparum Malaria. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2006;42:1570-1577.

Currently Held Grants

2004-2009: Wellcome Trust 074637: PI: Career Development Fellowship - Optimising the management of drug resistant vivax malaria in Papua, Indonesia

2007-2008: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation: CI: Planning grant for the Worldwide Antimalarial Drug Resistance Network (WARN)

2004-2008: Wellcome Trust ME928457MES: CIA: Strategic Research - Research and training to reduce morbidity and mortality from malaria in Papua and PNG (Collaborative research grant with NHMRC)

2004-2008: NHMRC 283321 : CIA: Strategic Research - Research and training to reduce morbidity and mortality from malaria in Papua (Indonesia) and Papua New Guinea (Collaborative research grant with Wellcome Trust ME928457MES)