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Wayne K Jorgensen

(below, middle, with extended group from a Beef CRC III project)


Focus Team leader, Applied Biotechnology(animals)
EUC Committee, CRC for Australian BioSecurity (10%)


Emerging technologies Dept of Primary Industries & Fisheries Locked mail bag No 4 Moorooka 4105
Tel: 07 33629455


BSc, PhD, University of Queensland

Research Interests

I have more than 20 years of research experience in parasitology research particularly in applications of biotechnology to control protozoa and arthropods of veterinary importance. I have worked with a number of parasites including ticks, mosquitoes, blowflies, Babesia, Anaplasma, Theileria, Eimeria and Eperythrozoon and has expertise in parasitological diagnostic techniques, culture techniques, project management, vaccine production, Good Manufacturing Practice, technology transfer, microscopy and ultrastructure.

Ten Most Significant Publications

1. Jorgensen W.K. and Rice M.J. (1983). "Morphology of a Very Extensible Insect Muscle". Tissue and Cell 15: 639-644.

2. Jorgensen W.K. and Kemp D.H. (1986). Continued functioning of the feeding apparatus during moulting of Boophilus microplus as an adaptation of one host ticks. Journal of Parasitology 72: 846-851.

3. Jorgensen W.K. Waldron S.J. Mc Grath J. Roman R.J. de Vos A.J. and Williams K.E. (1992). Growth of Babesia bigemina parasites in suspension cultures for vaccine production. Parasitology Research 78: 423-426.

4. Vos, A.J. Pipano E. Musisi F. and Jorgensen W.K. (1997). Protozoal and Rickettsial Vaccines. In: Mowat, G.N. & Rweyemamu, M. (eds). Vaccine Manual. The Production and Quality Control of Veterinary Vaccines for use in Developing Countries, Food and Agriculture Organisation, Rome, pp 75-89.

5. Gough J.M. Jorgensen W.K. and Kemp D.H. (1998) Development of tick gut forms of Babesia bigemina in vitro. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 45:298-306.

6. Bock R.E. Jackson L. de Vos B. and Jorgensen W.K. (2004) Babesia In: Ticks, disease & control. Eds. Alan S. Bowman & Patricia A. Nuttall, Cambridge University Press Supplement for Parasitology Volume 129:S247-S269.

7. Jorgensen WK (2005) "Babesiosis" In: The Merck Veterinary Manual 9th edn. Ed C Kahn. Merial, Dulith, GA pp 20-23.

8. Jorgensen WK, Anderson GR, Jeston PJ, Blight GW and Molloy JB (2006) Selection and characterisation of two attenuated vaccine lines of Eimeria tenella in Australia. Australian Veterinary Journal 84:100-105.

9. Nicoll CL Li A Fernandez KM Fletcher T Jackson LA Molloy JB Jorgensen WK Lim CT and Cooke BM (2007) New insights into the altered adhesive and mechanical properties of red blood cells parasitised by Babesia bovis. Molecular Microbiology. 4:1092-1105.

10. Bock RE Jorgensen WK and Molloy JB (2008) "Bovine babesiosis". In. Manual of diagnostic tests and Vaccines for Terrestrial Animals (mammals, birds and bees). VI Ed. Office International des Epizooties. (In press).

Currently Held Grants

RIRDC, New diagnostic assays to improve control of coccidiosis in poultry
Project leader: Jess Morgan

Industry (e.g. Eimeria Pty Ltd), Fee for service coccidiosis research
Project leader: Wayne Jorgensen

MVSc student (ET), Studies on Neospora caninum including diagnosis using real time PCR
Project leaders: Wayne Jorgensen, Ala Lew

U of Q post doctoral position Studies on characterization of Eimeria antigens and chicken immune responses
Project leaders: Glen Coleman (UQ)/ Wayne Jorgensen co-supervisors

DPI&F Bioactives in Cypress extracts
Project leaders: Michael Kennedy (Wayne Jorgensen collaborating)

Animal Health Australia through MLA Specific detection of Chrysomya bezziana (SWF) in bulk trap catches using real time PCR
Project leaders: Jess Morgan/Ala Lew

CRC for Beef Genetic Technologies (2005-2012) - Beef CRC 3 Projects:
CRC for Beef Genetic Technologies (Beef CRC3), DEST, Program 3 Parasite resistance.
"Gene expression of QTLs controlling tick resistance"
"Changes in gene expression and immunology in tick resistant versus susceptible cattle"
"Detecting and validating candidate genes and pathways for tick resistance"
"Identification of novel targets for therapeutics and vaccines against ticks"
Project leader: Ala Lew;

Department of State Development & Trade (Qld) Smart State funds A cattle tick vaccine for tropical and subtropical beef industries; a reverse vaccinology genomics approach
Project leader: Ala Lew

Poultry CRC New technologies for Eimeria oocyst purification.
Project leader: Wayne Jorgensen

Meat and Livestock Association (MLA), Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation (RIRDC).