Jacinda Torrance from Verso Visual Communications designed the Parasites in the Pacific Conference logo.
Jacinda, you have developed our beautiful conference logo, please can you tell us more about it?
Jacinda: The concept unfolded around conversations with the Conference organising committee. The logo needed to reflect the fact that three groups were attending the Parasites in the Pacific conference as well as the subject of their discussion.
How does this logo bring together the three different groups, the Australian and the New Zealand Societies for Parasitology and the 7th International Conference on Anaerobic Protists?
Jacinda: Initial pencil sketches focussed on three elements coming together and interconnecting – these became three different conversational bubbles overlapping. I’d been supplied with a great collection of parasitic imagery for reference – the colourful online Parasites in Focus exhibition as well as an index of all the parasites – I never knew there were so many! Following further chats with the conference organising committee, the speech bubbles came to house three common parasites – malaria, roundworm and giardia in simplified abstracted form, representing connection and discussion around parasites.
How do the colours communicate about the location of this conference, Auckland, New Zealand?
Jacinda: The selected colours – blues, greens, magenta and orange – relate to the ocean, landscape, and vibrant sunset skies of Tāmaki Makaurau, reflecting its beauty and diversity. Hand-marbled texture is included in the background shapes (for banners featuring the logo) to further extend this theme.
Thanks so much Jacinda, we will enjoy the logo even more now, knowing about its background.