The Australian Society for Parasitology is pleased to offer undergraduate student prizes of $400 each to Australian Universities identified as offering a suitable course in parasitology, for presentation to the best undergraduate student in parasitology (highest passing mark/grade). The course(s) must be taught by a financial member of the ASP (of more than one year standing), and must comprise at least 30% parasitology.
Requests for 2024 prizes must be made by the eligible University to the ASP Treasurer or Secretary by the 30th September 2024. Download the Undergraduate Prize request-form_ASP_2024
Requests for prizes must include the following for each eligible course:
1. Course name/code/degree year
2. Number of Students enrolled in 2024
3. Number of hours dedicated to parasitology (and total number of hours for the course)
4. Name of financial ASP member (of at least 1 year standing) teaching course