The John Frederick Adrian Sprent Prize is a substantial prize in cash presented to a Student member of the Society who in the opinion of a selection committee appointed by the Council has written an outstanding thesis in Parasitology for which the PhD degree was awarded during the previous three years. Nominations are to be called every 3 years but the prize need not be given at every selection. The prize was established as a result of a donation from, and honours the memory of, Founding Member, Inaugural President and Fellow of the Australian Society for Parasitology, Professor J.F.A. Sprent. The recipient will be awarded a cash prize and certificate, together with a bronze plaque. The recipient will deliver a lecture at the annual conference of the Society, receive reimbursement of reasonable travel costs to the conference, and will be a guest of the Society for the duration of the conference. The procedure for applications and selection of the recipient is detailed in the Principles, By-Laws, and Guidelines for Awards, Grants, Journals, Committees and Archives and available to download as a PDF file. Nominations should be made by a proposer and a seconder who are members of the Australian Society for Parasitology and the nomination should include (i) copies of nominee’s thesis, (ii) a detailed statement describing the merits of the candidate’s postgraduate research as embodied in the PhD thesis (this statement should be signed jointly by proposer and seconder, or each may submit a separate statement), (iii) a detailed curriculum vitae, and (iv) copies of any publications post-dating the PhD submission date.

The next closing date will be 30 September 2025 but you can send your nominations in at any time to:

Dr Rina Wong presented with the JFA Sprent Prize 2014 by Professor Robin Gasser


1987 DR Hennessy
1990 SC Barker
1993 NB Chilton
1997 J Bowles
1999 J Waterkeyn
2002 SL Cameron
2005 Rebecca Traub
2008 M Ellis
2011 Christina Spry
2014 Rina Wong
2017 Julie Burel
2020 Kathryn Parker
