Bioinformatics Workshop, Saturday 9 & Sunday 10 July 2011, James Cook University, Cairns Campus

Bioinformatics Workshop This two-day workshop will be held in Cairns, on Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 July 2011. The workshop is supported by James Cook University, the Australian Society for Parasitology Inc., and the Queensland Tropical Health Alliance. We are currently accepting expressions of interest for registrants. Please register your interest by contacting Jason Mulvenna,…


Aquatic Parasitology Workshop, Sunday 10 July 2011, James Cook University, Cairns Campus

Aquatic Parasitology Workshop: Detection and Diagnosis SEEKING EXPRESSION OF INTEREST The First Australasian Scientific Conference on Aquatic Animal Health (5-8 July) and the Australian Society for Parasitology Conference (10-13 July) are both being held in Cairns this year. Consequently, a number of aquatic animal health experts will be in Cairns in July, enabling a tremendous…


Why the fight to prevent NHMRC cuts is so important – and personal

In this quarter page ad to appear in the Australian tomorrow Professor Julio Licinio, Director of The John Curtin School of Medical Research, ANU, comments on proposed funding cuts for medical research in Australia. Preview the advertisement here. Remember to voice your objections by doing the following: 1. Vote for the ‘protect funding for medical research in Australia‘ campaign idea…


2011 ASP Annual Conference open for registration

The 2011 Australian Society for Parasitology Annual Conference will take place at the Pullman Reef Casino, Cairns, Queensland, Australia from 10-13 July. Registration and abstract submission are now open, visit the conference website for more information. The deadline for early-bird registration and abstract submission is 29 April 2011. Visit the conference website for more information …


Letter from the ASP president

Hello ASP members, Happy 2011! I am writing to members seeking your feedback on two significant matters. Member comments on the Draft Strategic Plan Please find attached the draft ASP Strategic Plan (with appendices) prepared by Council after careful consideration and discussion. I briefed the membership on this at the AGM in Melbourne in August.…
