6th International Veterinary Vaccines and Diagnostics Conference

The preliminary program for the 6th International Veterinary Vaccines and Diagnostics Conference at the Cairns Convention Centre (29th of July to the 1st of August, 2012) is now on the conference website: www.ivvdc2012.org While oral abstracts submission is now closed, we are still accepting poster abstract submissions till 13th July. The IVVDC Conference has been well established as…


Parasite Encounters in the Wild – Free Public Event

All welcome to our free public talk featuring the following speakers and fun science activities for young people (and live online from 6pm www.livestream.com/cctas): Greg Woods, Menzies Research Institute Tasmania, “Is Devil facial tumour disease the perfect parasite?” Andrew Thompson, Murdoch University, “What parasites do we give to wildlife?” Ian Beveridge, The University of Melbourne,…


Parasites inspire public

The Australian Society for Parasitology Inc.  has won an Inspiring Australia grant to run a series of free public events to explore the world of parasites. This project is one of 63 Unlocking Australia’s Potential science communication grants announced June 12 by the Minister for Science and Research, Senator Chris Evans.  
