Malaria Experimental Genetics course, UK, 8-14 May 2016

WELLCOME GENOME CAMPUS, HINXTON, UK This laboratory-based course will give participants a working knowledge of, and practical experience in, cutting edge Plasmodium experimental genetics techniques, from designing gene targeting vectors and creating transgenic parasites to phenotyping the strains produced. The programme strategy will be to follow a Plasmodium experimental genetics experiment from conception to completion, equipping attendees to design and carry out their…


EuPathDB bioinformatics workshop, WEHI, February 15-19, 2016

We are pleased to announce a EuPathDB parasite bioinformatics workshop to be held at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Melbourne, Vic, Aus from February 15-19, 2016.  The workshop is held the week before  the Molecular Approaches to Malaria Conference 2016. Please note that the workshop expenses are covered by the course. Accommodation costs will be…
