Read the March 2021 ASP Newsletter

Please download the latest ASP newsletter to read at your leisure over the Easter holiday period ( ), Vol 32.1 Issue 1 March 2021, it’s packed with news about our conference and AGM and some fabulous news updates from our researchers and Journals with some truly stunning images. In this newsletter: 2021 ASP Annual General…


ASP Online Seminar Series: 26 March @ 1pm AEDT

Join our online ASP Seminar Series with Siobhon Egan from Murdoch University, speaking speaking on “What’s in the wildlife? Surveillance of ticks and their associated microbes in Australian wildlife.” and Bonnie Derne, from Flinders University, speaking on “Of parasites and pygmy bluetongues: An investigation of parasite and gut microbiota dynamics following a wildlife translocation.” with…


International Women’s Day 2021

Happy International Women’s Day 2021. This week we celebrate #WomenInSTEM and our awesome #womeninparasitology their achievements and how they are changing the world one parasite at a time! #IWD2021 Dr Mabel Josephine Mackerras (1896-1971) was was an Australian parasitologist, zoologist and entomologist. She made contributions to the study of the blood parasites of Australian marine…


ASP Climate Focus Series: Seminar 2 “Parasites and Climate” with Dr Andreas Stroehlein

Watch the second ASP Climate Focus Series: Seminar “Parasites and Climate” with Dr Andreas Stroehlein from The University of Melbourne on Thursday 4th March, 1:00pm – 2:00pm (AEDT). Dr Andreas Stroehlein is a Postdoctoral Researcher in Parasite Genetics & Genomics within the Melbourne Veterinary School, Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences at The University of…
