Congratulations Melanie Ridgway, John Frederick Adrian Sprent Prize 2023 winner

Congratulations to recently graduated PhD student Melanie Ridgway for winning the 2023 John Frederick Adrian Sprent Prize for her PhD thesis “Sex specific biology of Plasmodium falciparum”. Melanie studied Life Sciences as an Excellence-Major Scholar at Université Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris.  For her Honours research project supervised by Dr. Adele Lehane and Prof.…


Congratulations to 2024 Fellow of the Australian Society for Parasitology, Peter Rolfe

Congratulations to 2024 Fellow of the Australian Society for Parasitology, Peter Rolfe! Peter Rolfe is one those “busy bees” of parasitological experience and contribution, utilising expertise learned and gained from a variety of “parasitological pursuits and postings”  and flitting from project to project, fertilising R, D & E operations with incisive research contributions and managerial…


Congratulations to Professor Alex Maier, Bridget Ogilvie Medal 2024 winner

Congratulations to Professor Alex Maier who was awarded the 2024 Bridget Ogilvie Medal from the Australian Society for Parasitology. Alex Maier is Professor at the Research School of Biology at the Australian National University in Canberra. Through functional genomic, cell biological and biochemical approaches he is trying to untangle the molecular machinery underlying key survival…


Congratulations Professor Jake Baum, Bancroft-Mackerras Medal for Excellence 2024 winner

Congratulations to Professor Jake Baum who was awarded the 2024 Bancroft-Mackerras Medal for Excellence from the Australian Society for Parasitology. Professor Jake Baum is a leading figure in parasitology, known for his groundbreaking work on malaria parasite biology, vaccine design, drug discovery, and diagnostic innovation. He began his career with significant contributions to host-pathogen coevolution…
