Upcoming events

World Malaria Day – free public event

  Malaria has plagued humans from before the time of the pharaohs…But can malaria be eradicated? For World Malaria Day, the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research is holding a public lecture and tour, with malaria experts speaking about their latest discoveries. When: Tuesday 30 April 2013 Where: Walter and Eliza Hall Institute,…


Human Parasitology Master Class

Join our Master Class “Human Parasitology” 3-7 June 2013, James Cook University, Cairns Campus, Queensland, Australia This five-day Master Class offers students a unique opportunity to work on human parasitic diseases with prominent parasitologists Professor Nick Smith, Professor Alex Loukas and Concord Hospital’s Dr Graham Robertson. Registration fee applies, email Lisa.Jones1@jcu.edu.au More information Parasitology Master…


6th International Veterinary Vaccines and Diagnostics Conference

The preliminary program for the 6th International Veterinary Vaccines and Diagnostics Conference at the Cairns Convention Centre (29th of July to the 1st of August, 2012) is now on the conference website: www.ivvdc2012.org While oral abstracts submission is now closed, we are still accepting poster abstract submissions till 13th July. The IVVDC Conference has been well established as…


Parasite Encounters in the Wild – Free Public Event

All welcome to our free public talk featuring the following speakers and fun science activities for young people (and live online from 6pm www.livestream.com/cctas): Greg Woods, Menzies Research Institute Tasmania, “Is Devil facial tumour disease the perfect parasite?” Andrew Thompson, Murdoch University, “What parasites do we give to wildlife?” Ian Beveridge, The University of Melbourne,…


2012 ASP Conference registration now open

Register online to attend the 2012 ASP Annual Conference, 2-5 July, Country Club Tasmania, Launceston.  //arcnet/ The 2012 ASP Annual Conference program includes an outstanding mix of quality international and Australian scientists and features events for early career researchers and the general public with sessions on fascioliasis, marine parasitology and marine acquaculture, malaria immunology, state-of-the-art…


The New York Academy of Sciences Conference: The Forever War – Malaria versus the World

The New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS), a non-profit membership organization with over 25,000 members in 140 countries. The NYAS mission is to advance scientific knowledge, mobilize science to address major global challenges, and to increase the number of scientifically informed individuals in society. For more information visit our website at https://www.nyas.org. This fall the…
