Download the latest ASP Newsletter V23.4 December 2012

What’s in the latest newsletter? A report on the Science & Technology Australia 2012 AGM; A listing of recent funding successes, including ARC and NHMRC grants; ASP Network and OzEMalaR news; Researcher News, Views and Interviews:  Alan Cowman, Alex Loukas, Geoff McFadden, Cinzia Cantacessi, Hong You, Teresa Carvalho; State News; Jobs; and more…. download the ASP NewsletterV23.4


Latest ASP Newsletter – August 2010

Download the latest ASP newsletter – August 2010 to find out about: ICOPA XII Conference news, with less than a week to go before the opening ceremony the latest Travel award winners from OzEMalaR – our Australia – Europe malaria research collaborative grants scheme and the Network Travel Award scheme that includes the JD Smyth…


Hot off the press ASP Newsletter – May 2010

Download the latest ASP newsletter ASPnewsletterMay10v21i2 to find out about: OzEMalaR – our Australia – Europe malaria research collaborative grants scheme application closing dates for Network Travel Awards and information about all of the ASP Awards how to apply for ASP student member travel grants to attend ICOPA XII State news Conference news, and the…
