UniSuper Divest campaign

In 2019, the ASP recognised the importance and urgency of the climate crisis by becoming the first scientific society to declare a Climate & Ecological Emergency. As part of this, we would like to draw our member’s attention to the current UniSuper Divest campaign. What is the UniSuper Divest campaign? UniSuper is the default superannuation…


Congratulations to 2020 ASP Fellow, Katherine Andrews

Congratulations to 2020 Fellow of the Australian Society for Parasitology, Katherine Andrews! Professor Katherine Andrews is head of the Tropical Parasitology Group at the Griffith Institute for Drug Discovery and currently Acting Director of the Institute. She obtained a BSc Hons in 1990 and a PhD in 1998 in Microbiology from Griffith University. Katherine conducted…


Congratulations Kathryn Parker, John Frederick Adrian Sprent Prize 2020 winner

Congratulations to recently graduated PhD student Kathryn Parker for winning the 2020 John Frederick Adrian Sprent Prize. Apicomplexans rely on plasma membrane-localised transporter proteins to take up essential nutrients from their host. Although nutrient uptake is essential for parasite proliferation and virulence, the transporter proteins that mediate the uptake of many essential nutrients, including amino…


Congratulations Dr. Katja Fischer, Bancroft-Mackerras Medal for Excellence 2020 winner

Congratulations to Dr. Katja Fischer who was awarded the 2020 Bancroft-Mackerras Medal for Excellence from the Australian Society for Parasitology. Katja Fischer heads the Scabies laboratory at the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute in Brisbane. She completed a Diploma in Biology/Parasitology in 1991 from the University of Freiburg, Germany and in 1998 completed her PhD…


Rebecca Traub, President-Elect for the ASP

We are thrilled to announce that Rebecca Traub has been elected for the position of President-Elect at the ASP AGM, 29 July 2020, she was nominated by Barbara Nowak and Una Ryan. Professor Rebecca Traub was awarded the John Frederick Adrian Sprent Prize of the Australian Society for Parasitology in 2005, for her outstanding PhD…


Australian Society for Parasitology (ASP) stands with #BlackLivesMatter and #AboriginalLivesMatter movements to end racism, injustice and inequality.

The Australian Society for Parasitology (ASP) stands with #BlackLivesMatter and #AboriginalLivesMatter movements to end racism, injustice and inequality. The ASP operates on the basis of Inclusivity Principles (PRINCIPLES, BY-LAWS AND GUIDELINES FOR AWARDS, GRANTS, JOURNALS, COMMITTEES AND ARCHIVES OF THE AUSTRALIAN SOCIETY FOR PARASITOLOGY INC.), which means ASP recognises that we operate in a diverse…


Postponed: Researcher Exchange, Travel and Training and JD Smyth Postgraduate Student Travel Awards March 2020 round postponed until September 2020

In light of the COVID-19 outbreak worldwide we regret to announce that the March 2020 round of the Researcher Exchange, Travel and Training and JD Smyth Postgraduate Student Travel Awards will be postponed until September 2020, if the situation allows. We can’t fund travel whilst the COVID-19 outbreak is happening. We hope that all applicants…


2019 ASP Conference extended deadline for early-bird registration and abstract submission

Join us for the 2019 ASP Annual Conference at the Adelaide Convention Centre from Monday July 8 – Thursday July 11. Early-bird conference registration and abstract submission closes on Friday 5th April 2019. Register and submit your abstract online https://www.conftool.org/parasitology2019/ and see the Conference website https://www.parasite.org.au/2019conference/ for more information.
