Seasons greetings to all ASP members! Do you recognise the lovely parasite host on the front cover thanks to IJPPAW editor Andy Thompson? Download the latest ASP newsletter (, Vol 29 Issue 3 December 2018
Find our about the 2019 ASP Annual Conference which will take place at the Adelaide Convention Centre, South Australia, from Monday 8th to Thursday 11th July 2019 and see some lovely photos from the recent 2018 ASP Annual Conference.
Congratulations to Nick Smith, winner of the 2018 Bancroft-Mackerras Medal for Excellence!
Also in this newsletter you can read;
- about the outcome from the 2018 ASP AGM and how the ASP Membership voted to accept the new Constitution. There is still one more rule that needs to change before the Constitution is accepted and this will be voted on at the 2019 ASP AGM.
- the obituary for Joe Boray
- articles congratulating our newly elected ASP Fellows Alex Maier, Barbara Nowak and Leann Tilley
about our new ASP State Representatives, Tommy Leung (NSW), Stephen Kho (NT), Alireza Zahedi Abdi (WA) and Scott Carver (Tas). - JD Smyth Travel Award reports from Mai Dang, University of Tasmania and Daniel Huston, University of Queensland and ASP Travel and Training Award report from the Tropical Marine Fish Parasitology Workshop and Travel Award from Melanie Ridgway who attended the Biology of Parasitism Course
- about other ASP outreach and researcher news, state news.
Wishing you all a very Happy New Year! All the best for your parasitology research, teaching, outreach and other activities in 2019.