Festive Greetings from the ASP! Please download the latest ASP newsletter to read at your leisure over the holiday period (www.parasite.org.au/publications/newsletters/ ), Vol 31 Issue 5 December 2020, it’s packed with fabulous stories from our researchers and Journals with some truly stunning images.
In this newsletter:
- ASP Climate-Focus seminar series and our first event “Sustainability in the Lab”.
- ASP online Seminar Series which launched on 10th December 2020.
- “Parasitravaganza 2020: insights into a virtual parasitology conference” and “Parasitology education before and after the COVID-19 pandemic” Trends paper reports
- Interview with ASP life-member Dr Beverley Angus.
- Researcher Exchange, Travel and Training report from Dr. Catherine Gordon, QIMR Berghofer and Vanessa Rosine Nkouayep, University of Dschang, Cameroon.
- 2021 ISFPX and ASP Conference update.
- ARC and NHMRC award winners.
- ASP undergraduate prize winners from Murdoch University, University of Technology, Sydney and La Trobe University.
- bioTICKnology laboratory award winners from the Queensland Alliance for Agriculture & Food Innovation.
- Congratulations to strongyloides researcher Doctor Wendy Page named NT Australian of the Year.
- IJP holiday reading recommendations and interviews from the September 2020 IJP Special Issue about Fish Parasites.
- IJPPAW focus on Parasites in Extreme Environments: Interviews and amazing images with Dr Sophie Watson from Cardiff University, UK about her IJP PAW article “Parasites of an Arctic scavenger; the wolverine (Gulo gulo)” and Ralph Vanstreels from Institute of Research and Rehabilitation of Marine Animals, Espírito Santo, Brazil about his IJP PAW review article “Arthropod parasites of Antarctic and Subantarctic birds and pinnipeds: A review of host-parasite associations”. The newsletter cover depicts Ralph’s amazing field work location.
- IJPDDR latest publications from ASP members and interview with Associate Professor Tina Skinner-Adams from Griffith University about her Giardia research.
- NT state rep Deb Holt’s profile.
- State news.