Professor Robin B. Gasser
BVetMed (Bern), Dr med vet (Zurich), PhD & DVSc (Melb), Dip EVPC, FASM, FASP.
Robin is from the University of Melbourne, where his research team has been investigating socio-economically important parasites (including protozoa, trematodes, cestodes and nematodes) using genetic, genomic and bioinformatic approaches to understand the biology and molecular biology of parasites, parasitic diseases and host-parasite interactions and to develop improved diagnostic and intervention methods. Most of his research has been funded through ARC, NHMRC and various industry partners. Robin has been involved in undergraduate teaching since 1985 and postgraduate training since 1991. To date, Robin has supported >30 postgraduate students, 25 postdoctoral researchers, 15 research assistants and 50 visiting scientists from >15 countries. Most postdoctoral scientists have been appointed to senior positions in academia, government or industry around the world. Robin is a Fellow of the ASP and has received a number of national and international awards.