Please download the latest ASP newsletter to read at your leisure over the Easter holiday period ( ), Vol 32.1 Issue 1 March 2021, it’s packed with news about our conference and AGM and some fabulous news updates from our researchers and Journals with some truly stunning images.
In this newsletter:
- 2021 ASP Annual General Meeting will take place online by Zoom on Thursday 29th July 2-5pm AEST
- 2021 ASP Conference will be another “Parasitravaganza” virtual parasitology conference online by Zoom 23-25 June 2021
- ASP Climate-Focus seminar serie event “Parasites and Climate”.
- ASP online Seminar Series was all about Parasites and Wildlife and featured Siobhon Egan, Murdoch Uni and Bonnie Derne, Flinders.
- Education committee have some updates, and are looking for you to apply for funds!
- Jan Slapeta from The University of Sydney gives us an insight into teaching through COVID-19 and lessons learnt.
- ASP Fellow, Emeritus Prof Chris Bryant and Val Brown have just published a new book “Cooperative Evolution – Reclaiming
Darwin’s Vision.” - ASP undergraduate prize winners from James Cook University.
- Outreach activities in the ACT and WA
- The Queers in Science Network
- IJP recommended reading with some glorious covers.
- IJPPAW recommended reading and an interview with Dr Vanessa Ezenwa and Caroline Shearer and their beautiful wild ungulates
(Grant’s gazelle, Nanger granti) which feature on this newsletter cover. - IJPDDR latest publications
- and an impressive array of very exciting State news.