In 2019, the ASP recognised the importance and urgency of the climate crisis by becoming the first scientific society to declare a Climate & Ecological Emergency. As part of this, we would like to draw our member’s attention to the current UniSuper Divest campaign.
What is the UniSuper Divest campaign?
UniSuper is the default superannuation fund for Australia’s academics, scientists, researchers and university employees. As such, UniSuper should be leading investments in action on climate change. Instead, UniSuper continues to invest billions of dollars in fossil fuels, even though it is evident that limiting further dangerous emissions requires significant cuts in fossil fuel use.
The UniSuper Divest campaign is urging UniSuper to divest from companies that are actively undermining climate change action: it has already been signed by over 12’000 people (as of August 2020).
Recently, UniSuper announced that it will divest from coal mining companies. This is a good first step and it highlights that this sorts of campaigns work.
What can you do?
- Sign the UniSuperDivest campaign:
- Send an email to your local UniSuper advisor. A template email draft tailored for ASP members can be found here:
- Book an appointment with your local UniSuper advisor: ask about where your investments currently are, explain your concerns, and consider changing to more sustainable portfolio.
- Tweet about it ! #UniSuperDivest
Link to UniSuper divest flyer
Link to UniSuper join the movement flyer