Download the December 2013 Newsletter (Vol.24 No.4) now

The December 2013 number of the ASP Newsletter is available for download here. The December number is packed with images from events in Perth, including ASP-Inspiring Australia Events with Perth Zoo, Murdoch University and Scitech. Other articles include: Recent appointments and awards for Karen Day, Alan Cowman and Franziska Bieri Researcher Exchanges: Leslie Vega in…


Meet the ASP President: Robin Gasser

Professor Robin B. Gasser BVetMed (Bern), Dr med vet (Zurich), PhD & DVSc (Melb), Dip EVPC, FASM, FASP. Robin is from the University of Melbourne, where his research team has been investigating socio-economically important parasites (including protozoa, trematodes, cestodes and nematodes) using genetic, genomic and bioinformatic approaches to understand the biology and molecular biology of…
