Live from the lab – Art and Science workshop
Create your own artwork of a flea parasite using any art technique that you want to. You can create a drawing, painting, digital or wearable art, use clay, animation…
Take a photo of your artwork and send it by email to secretary@parasite.org.au by 30th August 2020 with your Name, Age and please let us know if you consent to have your artwork on display on the ASP Facebook page (no identifying features like names or ages will be visible).
The winning artwork will receive a tshirt with Gula guri mayin printed on it and some National Science Week gifts.
We will notify everyone who the art prize winner is on 1st September! Good luck everyone, enjoy creating art with science!
Live from the lab – Art and Science workshop
Here is the image of the flea to inspire your artwork. This flea image is Copyright Russell Hobbs, Murdoch University, 2007 and here is some more information about this parasite.
The flea is the common cat and dog flea, Ctenocephalides felis. It was fixed in ethanol, and has been mounted in Canada balsam. The photograph was taken through a microscope at low magnification. These fleas infest dogs and cats and are very common throughout the world. In some dogs they cause a hypersensitivity reaction called Flea Allergy Dermatitis, which can be quite debilitating. This particular flea was raised on an artificial dog called FIDO (Flea Incubating Deluxe Oven), as part of a project to investigate the potential for development of a flea vaccine.
See more lovely parasite images to inspire you in our Parasites in Focus exhibition and also the magnificant Gula Guri Mayin by Bernard Lee Singleton.
#SciFest Parasites Online for National Science Week
Across National Science Week Aug 15 – Aug 23
Which is your favourite “Parasites Online” Science Week event?
Parasitology researchers will share their stories through online science shows and short research presentations, “Live from the Lab” laboratory tours and “Fresh From the Field” field work tours, and science book readings to increase community awareness and understanding of parasites and engage and inspire the next generation of scientists. Featuring parasites from the poo of veterinary animals and wildlife, scabies, malaria, worms and more, we will also show the stunning animated artwork of Cairns-based indigenous artist Bernard Lee Singleton.
These Inspiring Australia events are supported by the Australian Government as part of National Science Week and hosted by the Australian Society for Parasitology.
Download our science week poster
Register to receive updates about the awesome online activities that will be available!
My Mad Scientist Mummy – Play School Style!
Bring your white coat and science gear and join Dr Rina and her fluffy lab assistant, Seto for an interactive story time (including hidden secrets to test your observational skills), scavenger hunt, experiments and sing-along to her storybook theme song ‘I’m a Little Scientist’. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uv9DNdCvG00
Join us Saturday 15th August, 12:30 – 1:00pm (AEST) / 10:30-11:00am (AWST) OR Monday 17th August, 12:30 – 1:00pm (AEST) / 10:30 – 11:00am (AWST)
Click ‘going’ on this event, be on Facebook at the correct time and we will go live!
Saturday 15th August, 12:30pm (AEST) https://www.facebook.com/events/278668390045900/
Monday 17th August, 12:30pm (AEST) https://www.facebook.com/events/327035565124177/
Stories for budding scientists – That’s RAD! Science
Saturday, August 15, 2020 at 4 PM – 4:30 PM
My mum is a parasite scientist. That’s RAD! Join Professor Kathy Andrews from Griffith University as she tells stories of the amazing and sometimes weird world of parasites and about the jobs of scientists who study them. You’ll find out about parasites that can be found in poo, head-lice and, Kathy’s favourite, malaria parasites. You’ll also hear about interesting facts, see funny cartoons and photos and be given some ideas for hands-on activities to do at home or in the classroom.
Join us at 4.00pm (AEST) Sat 15th August OR 10:00am (AEST) Thursday 20th August
Click ‘going’ on this event, be on Facebook the correct time and we will go live!
Sat 15th August at 4pm (AEST) https://www.facebook.com/events/401383924114209/
Thursday 20th August at 10am (AEST) https://www.facebook.com/events/722158378544610/
Pets and Parasites – a couch talk with a vet
Join Dr Sarah Preston as she interviews your favourite animal scientist – a veterinarian called Dr Anna Donlan! Find out what it takes to be a vet, what daily activities they perform and how heroic they are everyday in saving our beloved pets! In addition we will discuss everyone’s favourite topic, parasites! We will briefly touch on the lifecycle and how you can protect yourself and your pets from these fascinating creatures!
Join us at 4:00pm (AEST) Sunday 16th August on this Facebook page
Click ‘going’ on this event, be on Facebook at 4:00pm AEST Sunday 16th August and we will go live!
Virtual couch talk: Community led One Health programs with Cam
Join Cameron Raw from the University of Melbourne as he talks about the importance of community-led One Health research.
Cam is a veterinarian and PhD candidate. Having Palawa ancestry from southern Tasmania, a focus of his veterinary work has been with remote Aboriginal communities in Arnhem Land. Through this work he’s become increasingly involved in planning, improving and implementing such programs with the involvement of other volunteer vets and final year veterinary students. This has also led to his PhD with Professor Rebecca Traub examining dogs as potential reservoirs of infection with zoonotic soil-transmitted helminths in remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. It is hoped that this project will inform best practice to reduce and eliminate infections in both people and animals through community led One Health programs.
This Inspiring Australia event is supported by the Australian Government as part of National Science Week.
How to participate?
Join us at 11:00am (AEST) Tuesday 18th August on this Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/ASParasitology/
Click ‘going’ on this event https://www.facebook.com/events/653211845300208/
and be on Facebook at 11:00 am AEST 18th August and we will go live
Parasites and You (from ANU)
Across National Science Week Aug 15 – Aug 23
Across Science Week meet parasites and the ANU researchers studying them, through a series of videos, blogs and games. Learn what a parasite is and take a close look at these amazing critters – some 100-times smaller than the eye can see and others the length of a swimming pool! Learn how ANU scientists are studying parasites to understand their biology and find new ways to treat and prevent the diseases they cause. Through interactive games, discover what parasites call home and where you might meet one. Also try your hand diagnosing parasite-infected patients and even uncover some hidden benefits of parasites.
Register to receive updates about the awesome online activities that will be available! https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/parasites-and-you-from-anu-tickets-111574195422
Live from the paddock: What the worm is wrong with these sheep
Dr Sarah Preston has been called out to a property, where the farmer is having problems with his sheep. Despite the lush green pasture, the sheep just aren’t putting on any weight. Join her as she shows you how simple and easy it is to check for parasitic worms by doing an experiment on the bonnet of her ute. She will need you to help her count the eggs. This is a guided workshop and Dr Sarah will spend this time with you at 4.00pm (AEST) Friday 21 August, explaining how to work your way through all of the awesome online learning tools and games. Then she will invite you to a follow-up workshop to check how you went and whether you found out what was wrong with the sheep.
Join us at 4:00pm (AEST) Friday 21st August https://www.facebook.com/events/909421316193298/
Click ‘going’ on this event, be on Facebook at 4:00pm AEST Friday 21st August and we will go live!
Book your ticket online to do the experiment at a later date https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/live-from-the-paddock-what-the-worm-is-wrong-with-these-sheep-tickets-111578349848
Live from the lab – The War on Scabies
Join Dr Katja Fischer and her team at the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute as they as they show you through their laboratory. They will introduce you to some of their projects towards new diagnostics and drugs for future use in scabies outbreaks. You’ll find out about scabies parasites and why it’s important to study them. You will have the opportunity to learn about the disease that these parasites cause, and what research is underway to make a change. You’ll also get to ask our scientists questions through a Q&A on Facebook live.
Join us at 11:00am (AEST) Monday 17th August or Thursday 20th August 2020 at 3pm (AEST) on this Facebook page
Click ‘going’ on this event, be on Facebook at the correct time and we will go live!
Monday 17th August 11am (AEST) https://www.facebook.com/events/3306490682702551/
Thursday 20th August 3pm (AEST) https://www.facebook.com/events/264001968241527/
Little Scientist Workshop: Blood & Stuff Part 1 & Part 2 AUSLAN interpreted
Calling all little scientists across Australia and beyond to join Dr Rina for an online, live and interactive Little Scientist Workshop on Blood & Stuff. Not for the faint-hearted, recommended for brave little scientists only. Dissections may be involved.
Get a glimpse of real, still-alive blood cells under the microscope… Find out what can eat your blood, alive…
Join both workshops in this series
Part 1. Monday 17 August – 6pm-6:30pm (AEST) / 4pm-4:30pm (AWST) https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/little-scientist-workshop-blood-stuff-tickets-111576391992
Part 2. continued- Tuesday 18 – 6pm-6:30pm (AEST) / 4pm-4:30pm (AWST) https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/111576857384
On the lighter side, Dr Rina will share about her ‘bloody’ research through a song performance, realtime experiments and for those with good typing fingers, ask away during our Q & A. Join Dr Rina Fu, Author, Performer, Lecturer and Scientist as she introduces young investigators to the fascinating world of science through hands-on science activities. Please pre-book for this event so that Dr Rina can send through your equipment list. This event is for children aged between 5 -12 years. Adult supervision is strongly recommended. This event is AUSLAN interpreted.
This Inspiring Australia event is supported by the Australian Government as part of National Science Week.
Sensory Science (Special Needs)
Join Seto the quokka lab assistant and Dr Rina Fu for three sensory fun experiments that you can do at school or at home – without any special science gear. Colourful, fizzy and crafty hands-on fun designed for children and teachers, carers, sibling and parents of those with special needs.
Dr Rina will team up with Louis, her brother who has non-verbal autism to bring you these DIY science experiments including explanations about our sensory input. Pick your own or do all three experiments. This event is for children and people with special needs.
How to participate?
Join us Friday 21st August 2:30pm – 2:00pm (AEST) / 12:30 -1:00pm (AWST) https://www.facebook.com/events/203978267711707/
Click ‘going’ on this event, be on Facebook Friday 21st August at 2:30pm (AEST) / 1:00pm (AWST) and we will go live.
Join us Saturday 22nd August 3:00pm – 3:30pm (AEST) / 1:00pm – 1:30pm (AWST) https://www.facebook.com/events/605108247051675/
Click ‘going’ on this event, be on Facebook at Saturday 22nd August 3:00pm – 3:30pm (AEST) / 1:00pm – 1:30pm (AWST) and we will go live!
Art meets Science – Crystals Rock! Family Science Workshop AUSLAN interpreted
Get ready for some family fun with Dr Rina in this interactive workshop. Bring out your scientific and artistic best as you embark on an adventure and create a beautiful keepsake. We’ll examine some large and some microscopic crystals found in nature, the human body and even parasites.
As a treat for rock collectors, amateur or expert, we’ll enjoy a special viewing of some rare collections from the Edward de Courcy Clarke Earth Science Museum, guided by our guest geologist, Kailah Thorn from Perth, Western Australia.
This workshop runs Saturday 22 August 12:30pm – 1:00pm (AEST) / 10:30 – 11am (AWST)
Join Dr Rina Fu, Author, Illustrator and Scientist as she introduces young investigators to the fascinating world of science through hands-on science activities.
Please pre-book for this event to receive the essential equipment list that you’ll need to enjoy the full experience. This event is for families with children aged between 5 – 12 years. This event is AUSLAN interpreted. https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/art-meets-science-crystals-rock-family-science-workshop-tickets-111577074032
Live from the lab – Giardia parasites with Tina and Tiash
Join Associate Professor Tina Skinner-Adams and Dr Tiash from Griffith University as they talk about Giardia, the most common gastrointestinal parasite of humans. Learn about the lifecycle of these parasites, where we find them, how we combat them and how we grow them in the laboratory.
You will see first-hand how we investigate new treatments and get to watch some cool animations of parasites in “Gula guri mayin”, painted by Bernard Singleton and animated by Russell Milledge and Tai Inoue. Do you know how to avoid Giardia parasites?
How to participate?
Join us at 11:00am (AEST) Friday 21 August on this Facebook page
Click ‘going’ on this event, be on Facebook at 11:00am AEST Friday 21 August and we will go live!
Can chloroquine be used against Covid-19?
Join Liana Theodoridis from La Trobe University for her interview: Can chloroquine be used against COVID-19?
“Donald Trump reportedly took hydroxychloroquine to ward off COVID-19. Is that wise?” This is how the article published by honours student Liana Theodoridis and Dr Teresa Caravalho (Head of the Molecular Parasitology Laboratory at La Trobe University) in The Conversation starts.
The recorded interview will cover questions such as: what is chloroquine? Why could it work against viruses, despite the fact that it was originally developed to treat malaria? Why have you been talking so much about it? Could this “hype” have negative impacts? And most importantly, what does science tell us about the use of chloroquine to treat COVID-19.
How to participate?
Join us at 7:00pm (AEST) Tuesday 18 August on this Facebook page
Click ‘going’ on this event, be on Facebook at 7:00pm (AEST) Tuesday 18 August and we will go live. https://www.facebook.com/events/299326258104632/
Live from the Lab – Malaria, Veterinary Parasitology and VR!
Across National Science Week join the Molecular Parasitology Laboratory from La Trobe University as they talk you through their research activities. Find out about their work on parasites, discover the virtual reality activities they have created and find out what it means to be a parasitologist.
Meet the research team and then find out about individual research projects:
- PhD student Coralie Boulet, “Treating malaria by targeting… our own cells?!”
- Honours student Liana Theodoridis and undergraduate student Derek Wong, “Testing newly developed drugs on malaria parasites”
- Honours student Lars Capule, “The Gut Microbiota as a Driver of Cerebral Malaria Pathogenesis”
- PhD student Jose Huaman, “Wild deer in Australia: guilty or victim?”
- Undergraduate student Lily Kenchington-Evans, “Intestinal Parasites in Wild Deer (in Australia)”
- Masters student Manon Reist, “Bringing Virtual Reality into microbiology classes”
How to participate?
Join us at 7:00pm (AEST) Wednesday 19 August on this Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/events/290322275495124/
Click ‘going’ on this event, be on Facebook at 7:00pm AEST Wednesday 19 August and we will go live!
Then join us each night for the next week at 7pm for a short 3-min awesome LIVE from the LAB session as we chat to all of the individual researchers.
Live from the lab – Art and Science workshop
Dr Shamsi and her parasite crew from CSU are passionate about the parasites they study. Drawing parasites in the beginning can be daunting for those new to the discipline. In this presentation we will show you how to use the microscope drawing tube from the start to the finish. The professional parasite drawing will be demonstrated by Drs Shamsi and Barton.
This workshop takes place Wednesday 19th August 130 – 200pm (AEST)
Join this workshop by registering through this Eventbrite link https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/live-from-the-lab-art-and-science-tickets-114497661588
Fresh from the field – Bat Colonies and Live from the lab – Poo analysis
Find out what a real live scientist does when out in the field. Many parasites that make people sick can sometimes come from wildlife sharing our cities and make their way to people through the environment or contaminated food. Equally the parasites we carry can be spread to wildlife via environmental contamination.
Join Dr Michelle Power as she visits a bat colony to collect poo samples to study diseases that are transmissible between wildlife and people. Using live and pre-recorded footage we will show the process of collecting samples from field locations and explain about parasite spread and surveillance.
Then follow Dr Michelle Power and her team in her laboratory as she analyses the poo samples she has collected from wildlife for her research investigating parasite transmission. See the exciting equipment scientists use in the laboratory and how new technology is helping us address issues that affect our health and that of the planet.
How to participate?
Join us at 10:30am (AEST) Wednesday 19 August on this Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/events/710158616504044/
Click ‘going’ on this event, be on Facebook at 10:30am AEST Wednesday 19 August and we will go live.
Straight after this event we will go live with the companion event “Live from the lab – Poo analysis” at 10:45am AEST Wed 19 August https://www.facebook.com/events/312697823458168/
Scoop a Poop Workshop: antimicrobial resistance in the wild
Scoop a Poop: tackling antimicrobial resistance in the wild. Join Dr Michelle Power for a 20 min talk about antimicrobial resistance in the wild followed by a lab tour of exciting science instruments.
Download the scat resource for this workshop Scoop a Poop acitivty 1_What the scat
The event can include classroom activities supported with provision of a resource kit to allow students and teachers to explore this issue further. The class activities are tailored for years 5 and 6.
This Inspiring Australia event is supported by the Australian Government as part of National Science Week.
How to participate?
Parasite games
Want to learn more about parasites? Why not learn through our augmented reality snap card game. Download and print off the cards provided. Download the augmented reality App on your phone and scan away. See the parasites come to life as you challenge your friends and family to a game of parasite snap.
This is a guided workshop and Dr Sarah will spend this time with you Wednesday 19th August 4:30pm (AEST) explaining how to work your way through all of the awesome online games. Book tickets online https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/parasite-games-tickets-115820802137
Live on Facebook 430pm AEST Wednesday 19th August https://www.facebook.com/events/2994362463933036/
Couch talk: Dogs as reservoirs of parasitic zoonoses
Join Dr Sarah Preston as she interviews Dr Richard Bradbury about how your pet dogs could be a reservoir of parasitic zoonoses. Sarah, a parasitologist herself, will interview her colleague Richard Bradbury who has spent many years researching the fascinating parasites that can live in the most loyal companion, your pet dog.
The interview will discuss how, why, where and when the parasite called Toxocara canis can infect your animal and what are the best strategies to avoid this from occurring in the first place.
Download the crosswords for this event
How to participate?
Join us at 7:00pm (AEST) Thursday 20 August on this Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/events/1431897936998289/
Click ‘going’ on this event, be on Facebook at 7:00pm AEST Thursday 20 August and we will go live.
Art meets Science – Malaria, claymations and illustrations
Join Dr Danny Wilson and his team from the University of Adelaide as he shows you through his malaria laboratory and how they use art to communicate what they do.
Malaria parasites are fascinating microscopic organisms. Their amazing underlying biology is complex, but through art we can visualise exactly what makes them tick. Join Dr Danny Wilson and his team as we venture through their laboratory – at and beyond the bench – with examples of how they use art as a medium for their research.
How to participate?
Book your ticket https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/art-meets-science-malaria-claymations-and-illustrations-tickets-111577914546
Join us at 1:00pm (ACST) Friday 21 August on this Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/events/294023398404244/
Click ‘going’ on this event, be on Facebook at 1:00pm ACST Friday 21 August and we will go live.
These Inspiring Australia events are supported by the Australian Government as part of National Science Week.