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Welcome to Parasitravaganza 2021

Parasitravaganza 2021 – Join us for an online Parasite Fest!

Early Career Researcher Workshops Monday 21st & Tuesday 22nd June 2021 online

Scientific Presentations Wednesday 23rd – Friday 25th June 2021 online

Registration  now open  

Register online  https://www.conftool.org/parasitology2021

We look forward to seeing you online at the 2021 Annual Conference for the Australian Society for Parasitology and there will be prizes awarded for the best presentations by ASP student members.

There is no fee to register for this online ASP conference but to listen to the scientific presentations you will need to first register for the conference and then we will send you the zoom link and password for access.

Student and Early Career Researchers are invited to career development events so please add this event onto your registration.

Guidelines for all Conference participants

Presenter Guidelines

Presenter Guidelines 3 minute talks

Presenter Guidelines 5 minute talks

Presenter Guidelines 15 minute talks

The ASP supports multiculturalism and anti-discrimination including non-discrimination on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, race, religion or disability. See our Policy on Gender Equality at this ASP conference.

The ASP recognises the importance of participation by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and welcomes all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and all indigenous researchers from all countries. See our principles and by-laws for more information

For social media posts please use #2021Parasitravaganza #ParaFest2021

We look forward to seeing you online in June!

Download the one-page Program summary for the 2021 ASP Online Conference, or to see all of the speakers and abstracts you can download the 2021 Conference Booklet or to see everything online please login to your Conftool account and click on “Browse Conference Agenda”  https://www.conftool.org/parasitology2021/sessions.php
