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Associate Professor Una M Ryan
Associate Professor Una M. Ryan
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Associate Professor in Biochemistry,
Division of Health Sciences
School of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences
Murdoch University


Division of Health Sciences
School of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences
Murdoch University
Murdoch WA 6150

Research interests

Molecular epidemiology of infections agents particularly, Cryptosporidium, Giardia, Neospora and piroplasms.

Ten Most Significant Publications

1. Xiao, L., Fayer, R., Ryan, U. and Upton, S. J. 2004. Cryptosporidium taxonomy: recent advances and implications for public health. Clinical Microbiology Reviews. 17: 72-97.
[A revision of the taxonomy of Cryptosporidium and provided guidelines for all future naming of species. Impact factor 13.194, 203 citations. Ranked 4th out of all Microbiology Journals.]

2. Xiao, L and Ryan, U. 2004. Cryptosporidiosis: an update in molecular epidemiology. Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases. 17:483-490.
[Impact factor: 4.79. 72 citations. Ranked 13th out of all Infectious Disease Journals.]

3. Hijjawi, N.S. Meloni, B.P. Ng'anzo, M. Ryan, U.M. Olson, M. E., Cox, P. T. Monis, P.T. and Thompson, R.C.A. 2004. Complete development of Cryptosporidium parvum in host cell free culture. International Journal for Parasitology. 34:769-77.
[This is the first publication showing that Cryptosporidium can be cultured in the absence of host cells. This was a significant advance in the understanding of the biology of Cryptosporidium, with important practical implications for detection and viability assays in the water industry and for the development of a Cryptosporidium vaccine. Impact factor: 3.34. 25 citations. Ranked 4th out of all Parasitology Journals.]

4. Fayer, R. Morgan, U. M. and Upton, S. J. (2000). Epidemiology of Cryptosporidium: transmission, detection and identification. International Journal for Parasitology. 30:1305-1321.
[Impact factor: 3.34. 274 citations. Ranked 4th out of all Parasitology Journals.]

5. Xiao, L., Morgan, U. M., Fayer, R., Thompson, R. C. A. and Lal, A. A. (2000). Cryptosporidium Systematics and Implications for Public Health. Parasitology Today (Now Trends in Parasitology). 16: 287-292.
[Impact factor 4.9. 86 citations. Ranked 2nd of all Parasitology Journals.]

6. Morgan U.M, Xiao, L., Fayer, R., Lal, A. A. and R.C. Andrew Thompson (1999). Variation in Cryptosporidium: Towards a taxonomic revision of the genus. International Journal for Parasitology. 29, 1733-1751.
[One of the first papers to recognise that there were numerous cryptic species within C. parvum. Impact factor: 3.34, 105 citations. Ranked 4th out of all Parasitology Journals.]

7. Morgan,U.M., Weber, R. Xiao, L., Sulaiman, I., Thompson, R.C.A., Ndiritu, W., Lal, A.A., Moore, A. and Deplazes, P. (2000). Molecular characterisation of Cryptosporidium isolates obtained from HIV-infected individuals living in Switzerland, Kenya and the USA. Journal of Clinical Microbiology. 38, 1180-1183.
[One of the first reports to show that HIV patients were suspectible to a range of Cryptosporidium species and genotypes with different clinical outcomes. Impact factor 3.4, 123 citations.]

8. Morgan, U. M., Constantine, C. C., Forbes, D. A. and Thompson, R. C. A. (1997). Differentiation between human and animal isolates of Cryptosporidium parvum using rDNA Sequencing and direct PCR analysis. Journal of Parasitology. 83, 825-830.
[This paper was the first publication to identify two human-pathogenic species of Cryptosporidium. Impact factor 1.3. 153 citations. Ranked 13th out of all Parasitology Journals.]

9. Morgan-Ryan, U.M., Fall, A., Ward, L. A., Hijjawi, N., Sulaiman, I., Fayer, R., Thompson, R. C.A., Olson, M., Lal, A. and Xiao, L. (2002). Cryptosporidium hominis n. sp. (Apicomplexa: Cryptosporidiidae). Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology. 49, 433-440.
[Molecular and biological validation of the most important human-pathogenic species of Cryptosporidium. Impact factor 2.28. 129 citations.]

10. Ryan, U. M., Monis, P., Enemark, H. L., Sulaiman, I., Samarasinghe, B., Read, C., Buddle, R., Robertson, I., Zhou, L., Thompson, R. C. A. and Xiao, L. 2004. Cryptosporidium suis. n. spp. (Apicomplexa: Cryptosporidiidae) in pigs (Sus scrofa). Journal of Parasitology. 90:769–773.
[Molecular and biological validation of a new species of Cryptosporidium. Impact factor 1.3. 37 citations. Ranked 13th out of all Parasitology Journals.]

Currently Held Grants

2006 ARC-Linkage
Molecular Ecology of Cryptosporidium in Rural and Urban New South Wales.
Dr. Michelle Power, Dr. Belinda Ferrari, Dr. Beggs, A/Prof. Una Ryan, Dr. Musto.

2008 ARC Linkage
Determining the impact of protozoan pathogens on prime lamb production.
A/Prof. Una Ryan, A/Prof. Ian Robertson.

A Core Western Australian Cell Sorting Facility - Ultra-Small Objects and Rare Cell Populations.
Prof David Sampson, Dr Janine Croser, A/Prof Mariapia Degli-Esposti, Prof Sarah Dunlop, Prof David Hampson, Prof Alan Harvey, Dr Kathryn Heel, Dr Cassandra James, Dr Charlene Kahler, Prof Svend Peter Klinken, Prof Peter Leedman, Prof Barry Marshall, Prof Andrew Harvey Millar, Dr Ashleigh Murch, Dr Jacqueline Phillips, Dr Paul Rigby, A/Prof Una Ryan, Prof Geoffrey Stewart, Dr Philip Stumbles, Prof Andrew Thompson, A/Prof Anya Waite, Prof James Whelan, Prof Graham Wilcox, Prof George Yeoh, Dr Mel Ziman

2008 Water Quality Research Australia (WQRA)
Epidemiology of Cryptosporidium and Giardia species and genotypes in animals in drinking water catchments using molecular tools.
Dr. Paul Monis and A/Prof. Una Ryan - AWQC/ Murdoch University, SCA, Water Corporation