Three general environments are available for life as we know
it: terrestrial, aquatic
and biotic. By definition, parasites
are those animals which occupy the last niche, i.e. live in
or on another species, their host. Parasitism
is a form of symbiosis, an intimate relationship
between two different species. There is a biochemical interaction
between host and parasite; i.e. they recognize each other,
ultimately at the molecular level, and host tissues are stimulated
to react in some way. This explains why parasitism may lead
to disease, but not always. It is often a life-long relationship
for the parasite, which cannot survive without its host. While
it is often claimed (even by definition) that a parasite must
damage its host in some way (to distinguish parasitism from
commensalism and mutualism),
in practice this can be impossible to establish, because we
know so little about most symbiotic relationships; certainly,
many human parasitic infections are asymptomatic (which is
not the same as non-pathogenic).
Parasitism must have arisen very early in the history of
life on Earth, when primordial micro-organisms learnt to survive
inside other cells which they had invaded either passively
(e.g. by phagocytosis) or actively (e.g. by penetration).
When multi-cellular organisms with alimentary tracts appeared,
they would have inevitably (accidentally or intentionally)
eaten free-living micro-organisms (and, later, free-living
helminths). Ingested animals that managed to survive in this
new environment would have appreciated the nutrient-rich environment;
energy saved in looking for food could then be diverted to
proliferating and resisting the host’s efforts to dislodge
them. With time, these parasites became so adapted to life
in the host; they “forgot” how to survive outside.
However, to succeed, they still needed to produce offspring
that could negotiate the outside world to find new hosts.
Not surprisingly, all parasitic animals have free-living
counterparts to which they are clearly related, and the greatest
diversity of parasites is still found within the alimentary
tracts of “higher” animals. As host species diverged
with evolution, they “carried” with them their
parasites. It is virtually the rule today that parasitic protozoa
and helminths found in any vertebrate species have almost
identical relatives in related vertebrates, and most of them
are exquisitely host-specific. For example, the two common
amoebae of the human colon, Entamoeba histolytica
and E. coli, have almost identical relatives within
a wide range of vertebrate hosts. There is even E. moshkovskii,
a species that has been found only in sewers, which probably
evolved from parasitic species! E. gingivalis occurs
only in the human mouth, and has lost its cystic stage, presumably
because trophozoites are so efficient at transferring between
hosts. The same occurs with helminths, e.g. the roundworm
of the human small intestine, Ascaris lumbricoides,
has counterparts in pigs, dogs, cats, flying foxes, elephants,
dolphins and many other mammals.
Once established in the host intestine, some parasites “learned”
to invade the gut mucosa and deeper tissues, or to survive
in the guts of predators that consumed their original hosts.
Involvement of invertebrate “micro-predators”
in such life-cycles could then have led to parasite transmission
via blood or tissue ingestion. Other parasites, in their infective
stages, developed the ability to invade via the skin. It is
not too difficult to conceptualize how complex life-cycles,
utilizing a range of different hosts, might have arisen. Many
examples of “missing links” in parasite evolution
can still be found today; although far more are well-and-truly
extinct. It is misleading to think of extant protozoan or
helminth species as “primitive”, for they have
been evolving as long as all other species, including Homo
sapiens, and utilize sophisticated survival mechanisms
that we are only beginning to understand.
Parasitism clearly has advantages over independent existence,
for parasites greatly outnumber free-living animals, both
in terms of individuals and species; from an evolutionary
viewpoint, it is the ultimate life-style. The obvious benefit
to the parasite is that its host provides, gratis,
a relatively stable, nourishing home. The energy saved in
seeking food, shelter and transport is then concentrated on
reproducing and evading host defense mechanisms, which are
provoked in virtually every case, although not always obviously.
of study
Medical Parasitology is the study of those
organisms which parasitize humans. According to the definition
above, parasites could include the viruses,
bacteria, fungi, protozoa
and metazoa (multi-cellular organisms) which
infect their host species. However, for historical reasons
(and because they are NOT classed as animals), the first three
have been incorporated into the discipline of Microbiology.
Parasitology claims those protozoa
(unicellular animals), helminths (worms)
and arthropods (insects and arachnids) whose
existence depends on the availability of host animals, i.e.
they are obligate parasites. Some rare parasites
are called facultative, because they can
survive and reproduce without a host, but very few that infect
humans belong to this group (e.g. free-living amoebae). While
we could argue about whether certain insects and mites are
“temporary parasites” or “micro-predators”,
insects as a group belong to the discipline of Entomology,
while ticks and mites are the concern of Acarology.
Another crude way of distinguishing these is to label them
ectoparasites (living on the host body surface),
in contrast to the endoparasites (which live
inside the host). The major contribution of insects in Parasitology
is as vectors of several infections, although several are
true parasites in their own right.
The disciplines also differ in ways other than taxonomic
boundaries. In Microbiology, while morphology or staining
properties (e.g. with Gram’s stain) are important in
the basic categorization of the organisms, species identification
generally depends on culturing and identifying specific enzymatic
reactions, antigenic configurations or DNA sequences; i.e.
the test-tube is important. In Parasitology, morphological
recognition remains foremost, so that parasites (or their
vectors) are still identified on characteristic shapes and
sizes; i.e. the microscope rules supreme.
Sub-speciation or strain-typing is less well-developed, and
may depend on molecular configurations or host-specificity.
Culture has been a basic tool in Microbiology almost from
its inception, and cell-culture is especially important in
Virology (where viruses are not observed directly, but initially
recognized by their effects on cultured cells). In Parasitology,
culture was for a long time virtually impossible for most
organisms, including protozoa. Nevertheless, in recent years,
technical advances have allowed the in vitro cultivation of
increasing numbers of parasite species, including even some
helminths, although this is a procedure still in its infancy
and used largely in research, rather than for routine clinical
diagnosis. Advances in molecular biology are revolutionizing
all the biological sciences, including Parasitology. However,
the organisms still must be identified initially on their
morphology, and this is the basis of most parasite diagnoses
made in clinical pathology laboratories.
Every known species (living and extinct) is assigned a unique
combination of genus and species
names which, by convention, are printed in italics or underlined.
Infections with parasites are often indicated by the abbreviated
genus name plus the suffix -osis. Some authorities
use the suffix -iasis if the infection causes disease, but
this distinction is often meaningless or impossible to establish.
Purists argue that -osis belongs to species names derived
from Greek, while those with Latin parentage deserve -iasis
(it becomes tricky if you don’t know the name’s
origins). Either can be used, depending on which sounds better
(although a recent international convention aims to standardize
all this), and we must be tolerant of the many exceptions,
e.g. tuberculosis (mycobacteriosis), malaria (plasmodiosis),
elephantiasis (lymphatic filariasis, or filariosis). If more
than one parasite belongs in the genus, then the species name
may be added to qualify the infection, e.g. schistosomiasis
mansoni (not italicised).
While parasites are adapted to living in or on their hosts,
they can only survive by producing offspring capable of finding
new hosts. The key to understanding their dispersal through
the world is through knowledge of their life-cycles
or modes of transmission, involving many
aspects of parasite biology, reproduction and epidemiology.
Protozoa, in their motile, feeding, growing, asexually-multiplying
forms are known as trophozoites (trophe
= nutrition; zooite = minute animal); these
are adapted for existence in the host and, generally, are
unable to survive the rigours of life outside. Under appropriate
conditions, which we do not yet understand, some trophozoites
of gut protozoa coat themselves in a protective shell and
shut down metabolically, to become cysts.
These are designed to survive in the outside world long enough
to reach new hosts. In the most highly-evolved protozoa (apicomplexans),
which are obligate intracellular parasites, asexual division
of the trophozoite (schizogony; schizein
= to divide, or split; -gony = reproduction) leads
to the generation of many merozoites (meros
= piece, segment) which then invade other host cells. Eventually,
instead of undergoing further schizogony, merozoites undergo
sexual reproduction (gamogony) developing
into either macrogametocytes (female) or
microgametocytes (male). Fertilization results
in the formation of a zygote, termed an oocyst
(= egg-cyst), which is designed to survive in the outside
world so that it may infect another host. The ripe (sporulated)
oocyst contains infective “seeds” known as sporozoites,
which arise during its maturation (sporogony
= generation of spores).
The metazoan parasites (multi-celled worms and arthropods)
generally are dioecious, i.e. adults
occur as separate males and females.
Tapeworms and most flukes are the exceptions (hermaphrodites).
After copulation, females produce fertile eggs,
each containing an embryo. This undergoes embryonation developing
into a juvenile or larva which will hatch
out under suitable conditions. The egg may be the infective
stage, or larvae may develop in the outside world to infectivity,
or larvae may develop further in one or more intermediate
hosts before they are able to re-infect their definitive hosts.
Because their larvae must develop outside the host, adult
helminths cannot multiply directly within an individual host
(in stark contrast to protozoa which can proliferate to large
Many parasites complete their developmental cycle in a single
host species (monoxenous life-cycles) while
others require multiple host species (heteroxenous
life-cycles). When multiple hosts are involved, the definitive
host is that species in which the adult (or sexual)
form of the parasite occurs, whereas the intermediate
host is the species which supports the development
and/or multiplication of the non-sexual, or larval (for helminths),
stages of the parasite. Intermediate hosts which physically
carry the infective stage from one host to another are also
termed vectors; they are mechanical
vectors if they simply transmit the parasite (unchanged and
non-multiplied), and cyclical vectors if
they also function as true intermediate hosts that support
essential development and/or proliferation of the parasite.
Intermediary hosts may be optional in some helminth life-cycles;
the parasite might not undergo essential development in them,
although it may increase in size. These paratenic
hosts carry parasites through food chains to the
definitive host, ensuring successful transmission even when
the hosts are thinly dispersed through the environment. Some
parasites exhibit low specificity for their definitive and/or
intermediate hosts and so can develop in a range of animal
A zoonosis is a human infection caused by
an organism which occurs naturally in other animals, known
as reservoirs of infection. Most parasite
life-cycles that are known have only been worked out quite
recently; i.e. within the last 100 years. Information is therefore
fragmentary and many ambiguities exist. We could argue about
whether the mosquito genus Anopheles or the primate
species Homo sapiens is the definitive host for malaria
parasites as gamogony in initiated in the human but culminates
in fertilization in the mosquito.
Parasites can be very particular about which host species
they will use; this can apply to definitive as well as intermediate
hosts. A parasite that is specific for a single host species
is said to be oioxenous, one that parasitizes
closely-related hosts is stenoxenous, while
one that parasitizes unrelated hosts is euryxenous.
Host-specificity is determined by a complex of factors, some
obvious and others still obscure. The first requirement is
that the prospective host shares its environment with the
parasite (ecological specificity); e.g. parasites
of dolphins might not have much luck infecting humans who
do not live near the sea (although modern food transport networks
have changed this!). Secondly, host behaviour must expose
it to the parasite (ethological specificity);
e.g. people who eat dolphin food (fish) may acquire parasites
intended for dolphins. Finally, once the parasite comes into
contact with the host, it must recognize appropriate cues
and feel comfortable within its new surroundings (physiological
specificity); e.g. if a parasite of dolphins thinks it is
in a large fish or a dolphin when it arrives in the human
gut, it may then behave accordingly. Obviously, this last
determinant of host-specificity is the one we understand least.
Parasites interact with host secretions and surfaces and
membranes: they must recognize and respond to molecular configurations
(receptors/ligands). Detection of subtle variations in metabolites
allows them to follow road-maps; they need to make critical
changes in behaviour and development according to changes
in host physiology/behaviour (neural/endocrine cues?); and
they must be satisfied with their diet (host intestinal contents,
blood and/or tissues). Clearly, all these combinations are
unique for each host species, and vary even among individuals
within a species, within an individual host throughout its
own life-cycle and even throughout a 24-hour day. Likewise,
each population of parasites is heterogeneous, so some individuals
succumb very easily if in the wrong host (“losers”)
whereas others persist and may come close to full development
(“pioneers”). This is the driving force of evolution,
and parasites are the most rapidly evolving animals.
This is the descriptive and analytical study of how diseases
or infective organisms are distributed in
human populations. A parasite is endemic
to a geographical region if it is sustained by transmission
amongst people living there. An infection maintained in animal
populations is enzootic (which must apply
to all zoonoses), although this term is going out of fashion.
An infection acquired locally (usually in an endemic region)
is autochthonous. Infected people who bring
an organism into a non-endemic area are labelled imported
cases; should the parasite then transfer to another person
in that region, the secondary case becomes an introduced
infection. If the parasite then establishes in this new population,
it becomes newly-endemic.
The level of infection in a population is measured by prevalence
and incidence. Prevalence refers to the prevailing
level of a condition within a defined population, and is best
applied to conditions without a clearly identifiable onset,
such as most helminthic infections, chronic toxoplasmosis,
Chagas’ disease (or malignant, degenerative or metabolic
diseases). It is measured by a single study of a population
over a brief time-period (cross-sectional
survey measuring point prevalence or period prevalence). Incidence
refers to the number of new cases acquired per unit of population
per unit of time, and is more meaningful for acute, short
events (incidents), with an identifiable beginning (or end!)
e.g. many viral infections, acute malaria (or deaths, or accidents).
It can be measured only by monitoring a population over a
sufficient period or time (longitudinal study)
and determining the rate increase or decrease (difference
in prevalence over time). Obviously, the incidence, prevalence
and duration of a particular condition are closely and simply
inter-related. An epidemic occurs when the
incidence of new cases significantly exceeds the usual rate;
if the disease is protracted, this will be reflected by an
increase in prevalence as well.
Quantitation of infection
Infective organisms have been categorized as either micro-parasites,
which are multiplicative, i.e. they multiply directly within
the host (all the microbes, plus protozoa) or macro-parasites,
which are cumulative, i.e. they generally cannot multiply
in the host; their numbers depend on how many infective eggs
or larvae are taken on board. Ectoparasites do not happily
fit into this classification, for they are clearly “macro”,
but often can multiply to huge populations on the one host.
However, their development may be considered “external”,
as they usually reside outside the host on the surface. The
term “infestation”, sometimes used for macro-parasitic
infections, is going out of fashion, but can be applied to
contaminated inanimate objects, e.g. a house infested with
fleas, or bushland infested with ticks.
Infection with micro-parasites is an all-or-none situation;
you either have measles, influenza, bubonic plague, toxoplasmosis,
giardiasis, etc., or you don’t. It is not often possible,
or necessary, to quantify reliably the intensity
of such an infection (number of organisms on board a host).
Note that mean intensity differs from
mean abundance: the former being the average number
of parasites per infected host; the latter being the average
number of parasites in all hosts, i.e. including non-infected
hosts. In many instances, the severity of disease is not reliably
related to the numbers of parasites detectable in blood, tissues
or secretions (a notable exception is malaria, in which the
percentage of infected red cells can be estimated and sometimes
is important clinically). In the case of helminths and arthropods,
which are generally visible macroscopically as discrete individuals,
the number of organisms is meaningful, because it can be measured
and does influence the likelihood or severity of disease.
Therefore, in epidemiological studies of macro-parasitic infections,
their intensity becomes important, in addition to incidence
and prevalence. Virtually all population studies have shown
that the intensity of infection does not follow a normal distribution,
but exhibits an “aggregated”
or “over-dispersed” pattern:
a small number of hosts harbour most of the parasites, whereas
most individuals carry few or no parasites. This phenomenon
has been characterized mathematically (“negative binomial
distribution”), but remains to be explained from first
Clinical and pathological considerations
While, by definition, a parasite should evoke a host reaction,
there need not be any obvious adverse effects because, in
the great majority of cases, infected individuals exhibit
little evidence of disease. In many cases, it can be difficult
or impossible to determine whether an organism is a parasite
or commensal (e.g. many intestinal protozoa, and worms). However,
other parasite infections do cause serious disease, to such
an extent that they become major public health problems. It
is generally assumed that, the longer a parasite and its host
species have co-evolved, i.e. have had time to adapt to each
other, the less pathogenic the infection becomes. On the other
hand, infections with parasites that are poorly adapted to
humans (e.g. zoonoses) are more likely to cause serious disease.
However, there are many exceptions to these “rules”.
Remember, clinicians generally only see those individuals
who develop disease; there may be many more who remain well,
even though infected. Clinicians often liken this scenario
to observing an “iceberg” – they generally
only see the tip-of-the-iceberg (hosts with disease) while
the bulk remains hidden (hosts with subclinical infections,
asymptomatic carriers).
The development of disease depends on both host factors
and parasite factors (pathogenicity/virulence).
Hosts have been shown to be more susceptible to disease by
virtue of their age (neonates and geriatrics), gender (females,
mainly during pregnancy and lactation), nutritional state
(malnourished), physiological state (‘stressed’
hosts) and immunological competency (greater in immuno-suppressed
or immuno-compromised hosts). From the parasite perspective,
the major important determinant for the development of disease
is parasite pathogenicity (or virulence), i.e. capacity to
induce disease, including the inter-related factors of invasiveness
(motility, enzyme secretion, presence of specific tissue receptors,
induction of phagocytosis), fecundity (rate of producing offspring),
means of egress from host, stimulation and/or suppression
of immunity and inflammation, production of exo- and endo-toxins
and resistance to host defenses. Such virulence-determinants
often correlate directly with the parasite’s capacity
to survive and reproduce, but they also may adversely affect
host survival and fecundity. This applies a pressure on host
populations that selects out more resistant individuals; it
has even been argued that parasites serve to improve the fitness
of their host species (Red Queen Hypothesis), and were a major
influence in the evolution of sex! However, genetic changes
that increase resistance to infection often handicap the host
in other ways, generating a dynamic equilibrium between protection
against infection and susceptibility to other diseases (balanced
polymorphism). There is no doubt that infectious organisms
exert a powerful and continuous evolutionary pressure on host
populations (and vice versa).
Parasitic diseases
In the field of infectious diseases, it is conceptually important
not to confuse aetiological agents with their effects on the
host. An infection occurs when an organism,
i.e. the parasite, is found in its host. Some experts don’t
like to label this an infection, unless there is evidence
of a response in host tissues; this applies particularly to
commensal organisms, which normally occur on human skin or
in the gastrointestinal tract, but which cause disease only
when they breach the surface barriers. Infection is a host-organism
interaction; it cannot exist without a host. Presence of infective
organisms in the environment, e.g. in food, on fomites or
in water, is not infection, but contamination (or “infestation”).
For instance, we should not talk about “infected water
Moreover, an infection is not the same as a disease,
which is a pathological change in the host, i.e. abnormalities
induced in tissues by direct mechano-chemical damage and/or
release of toxins and/or inflammatory mediators. Illness
occurs when the host suffers the effects of the disease and
becomes a patient, i.e. complains of symptoms
(subjective, felt by the patient) which interfere with normal
life, and perhaps manifests clinical signs
(objective, detectable by the doctor), always with psychosocial
undertones and ramifications. This is summarized as follows:
Where you start in the above sequence depends on whether
you are the parasite or the patient! The illness is what the
patient complains about to the doctor (often with judicious
prompting), the disease is what the clinician may detect on
physical examination (and the pathologist confirms in laboratory
tests or at autopsy), and the causative organism (or its products,
or antibodies to it) is what the diagnostic laboratory usually
seeks and identifies. In any particular patient, all of these
apparent components might be totally unrelated, so that linking
them together becomes a major and still unresolved difficulty,
even in some very common infections. Such distinctions may
seem pedantic, but their appreciation helps in understanding
stages in the evolution of an infectious disease, and is important
to minimize confusion. Many people are infected; in fact,
every one of us has at some time harbored at least one parasite
species, and most of the world’s people carry many parasites
most of the time. However, relatively few are diseased, and
not all of them suffer illness. Infections without illness
are called subclinical or asymptomatic.
Note that this does not mean being free of disease.
The interval between exposure to infection
and the onset of illness is known as the incubation,
latent or pre-patent period
or phase. Some authorities define this period as the time
from exposure to the time of becoming infective to others,
but not all agree with this. Others define the latent period
as the time from exposure to the first occurrence of recognizable
specific manifestations, be they symptoms, signs, positive
serology or other laboratory findings; if for symptoms, then
it is called the incubation period. With many parasitic infections
in endemic areas, these definitions may be of little use clinically,
because people are repeatedly being exposed to infection.
An infection is patent when direct evidence
of the organism can be detected, e.g. in the patient’s
faeces, blood or secretions, regardless of whether symptoms
have appeared. Some infections may be patent but subclinical;
others may cause illness, yet not be patent. However, the
individual who has patent infection is essential to transmission
of the organism, because it can then be transferred directly
to other hosts, to vectors, or into the environment, where
it may need to develop through stages to infectivity. Obviously,
the detection of patency depends on the sensitivity of the
test being used to identify the organism.
Often, indirect evidence of infection is the best that can
be offered by the diagnostic laboratory, in the form of circulating
antibodies generated against antigens of the infecting organism.
Apart from the issues of accuracy (measure
of true positive and true negative reactions), specificity
(measure of false positive reactions) and sensitivity
(measure of false negative reactions), another difficulty
common to all antibody tests is distinguishing between ongoing
active infection and recently resolved or past infection.
In other cases, serology may be even less adequate, for the
simple reason that a test has not been developed, and the
infection is known as cryptic. In some infections,
specific monoclonal antibodies can be used to identify parasite
antigens, and the polymerase chain reaction is becoming increasingly
available to identify nucleotide sequences from infective
organisms, although the limitations of these technological
advances have not been well-established.
Usually, disease results predominantly from the host’s
efforts to deal with the parasite, involving immunological
and other less well understood responses to an organism which
refuses to go away, and which utilizes effective strategies
to avoid being damaged. The principles (and even details)
of host responses to infecting organisms apply equally to
microbial and parasitic infections and, as we learn more about
the precise mechanisms, the more difficult it becomes, in
the clinical context, to justify the separation of these groups
of pathogens. Obviously, viruses may succumb more readily
than worm larvae to protective mechanisms involving antibodies,
complement, lymphocytes, phagocytes and other effector cells
and molecules, but all infections initially trigger similar
basic repertoires of responses. A major discriminating influence
is whether the organisms are intra-cellular
or extra-cellular, which partly determines
the class of MHC molecules with which they interact. The minute
parasitic protozoa that multiply in host cells have much in
common with viruses, so that host responses to these infections
and the resulting diseases can be so similar that, clinically,
they may be indistinguishable.
Furthermore, patients have only a limited range of symptoms
to complain about, so that generally it is impossible to diagnose
the causative organism from the clinical features. However,
a careful history, taken to evaluate the likelihood of exposure
to specific parasites, often narrows the range of options
(differential diagnosis), and indicates the
specimens which should be sent to the laboratory for definitive
diagnosis. This can be much cheaper (and much more satisfying
for the clinician - and the patient) than running a battery
of tests blindly, and is essential for effective treatment
and suitable preventive measures.
Parasitological parameters
Parasitic infections can be studied from many angles: we
can focus on the parasites, their hosts, the environments
they share and the ways in which they interact. People working
in this field come from numerous backgrounds, including zoology,
physiology, biochemistry, immunology, molecular biology, pharmacology,
ecology, economics, anthropology, sociology, engineering,
agriculture, education, mathematics and, of course, human
and veterinary medicine. Specific disciplines focus on specific
aspects, thus parasitological knowledge may be fragmentary.
In order to obtain (retain) a holistic overview, many parasitologists
use a parametric approach to organize information. The following
headings have proven useful: |