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> Introduction to parasitology
> Protozoan parasites
> Helminth parasites
> Arthropod parasites
> Index to parasite species
Introduction to Parasitology

Parasitism is the most common way of life; more than 50% of all animal species are parasites. Parasites occur in all animal species and they may have a profound effect on the health of people, domestic animals and wildlife.

Parasitology is the study of parasitism; a multidisciplinary subject covering many topics including morphology, taxonomy, biology, behaviour, life-cycles, pathogenesis, epidemiology, ecology, physiology, biochemistry, genetics and molecular biology, as well as the diagnosis, immunology and treatment of infections.

Parasites live at the expense of their hosts whereas other symbiotes may be mutualists (living in mutual benefit with host) or commensals (living without benefit or detriment to host). Parasites may infect the gastrointestinal tracts or circulatory systems of their hosts, they may invade different tissues and organs or they may live on the external surfaces of their hosts. Many infections may be asymptomatic whereas others may cause acute (transient) or chronic (persistent) clinical diseases ranging markedly in severity (mild to fatal).

Parasitic infections may cause mortality (foetal, neonatal, adult death), morbidity (disease manifest by enteritis, fever, anaemia, etc.), production losses (reduced meat, milk, fibre production), and tissue lesions (reduced marketability of product). Despite many advances in parasite treatment and control, infections still persist due to many factors, including urbanization (crowding together); more intensive farming systems, greater translocation of animals, further land and marine development, inadequate effluent disposal, emergence of parasite drug resistance, and spread of vector insecticide resistance.

Parasite assemblages
Many types of organisms have adopted a parasitic mode of existence; that is, they require a host for their own survival. Three major groups of parasites are recognized: protozoa (belonging to the kingdom Protista), and helminths and arthropods (belonging to the kingdom Animalia, or Metazoa).

protozoa helminths arthropods


Protozoa: Over 10,000 species of single-celled protozoa have been described in the gut, blood or tissues of vertebrate and invertebrate hosts. Parasitic flagellates cause enteric diseases such as giardiasis, urogenital diseases such as trichomoniasis, systemic diseases such as sleeping sickness, and tissue diseases such as Chaga's disease and kala azar. Parasitic amoebae cause dysentery, meningoencephalitis and corneal lesions. Spore-forming sporozoa cause many serious diseases: Apicomplexa cause coccidiosis, malaria and tick fevers; Microspora parasitize fish and insects; and Ascetospora cause seasonal mortalities in oysters. Parasitic ciliates cause diarrhoea or lesions in humans and animals while commensal species cause serious fouling problems in aquaculture.






Helminths: Around 50,000 species of multicellular helminths (worms) have been described from a wide range of hosts. Roundworms (nematodes) cause much morbidity and mortality in humans and animals throughout the world. Serious infections include filiariases, hookworm and threadworm diseases. Larval and adult tapeworms (cestodes) may be found in many vertebrate hosts. Some species do not cause clinical disease whereas others may cause severe weight loss, diarrhoea, abdominal pain or space-occupying lesions. Flukes (trematodes) include many important species such as sheep liver fluke and human schistosomes or blood flukes.






Arthropods: Thousands of arthropods are parasitic at some stage in their life-cycles. Many cause serious diseases and limit agricultural productivity. Parasitic insects include biting and sucking lice which may cause skin lesions or anaemia, fleas which may cause allergic dermatitis, and various flies which suck blood as adults or produce larvae which feed on host tissues. Parasitic arachnids include ticks which feed on blood and may cause anaemia or paralysis and mites which feed on skin and may cause mild itching, hair loss or severe mange.

> Overview of Parasitology