to "PARA-SITE, an interactive multimedia
electronic resource dedicated to parasitology", developed
as an educational initiative of the ASP
(Australian Society of Parasitology Inc.) and the ARC/NHMRC
(Australian Research Council/National Health and Medical Research
Council) Research Network for Parasitology.
PARA-SITE was designed to provide basic information about
parasites causing disease in animals and people. It covers
information on: parasite morphology (fundamental to taxonomy);
host range (species specificity); site of infection (tissue/organ
tropism); parasite pathogenicity (disease potential); modes
of transmission (spread of infections); differential diagnosis
(detection of infections); and treatment and control (cure
and prevention).
website uses the following devices to access information in
an interactive multimedia format:
diagrams and photographs illustrating:
> developmental stages
host range
> sites of infection
> modes of transmission
> clinical consequences |
textual description presenting:
> general overviews for each parasite assemblage
> detailed summaries for specific parasite taxa
> host-parasite checklists